Low Flying Jets & Out Of Town Missions

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It had been a week since the fundraiser and two since the accident. I thought that I should start trying to do some more exercising before I try and get on a horse again. That leads me to now.

I was about four miles from my house slowly jogging alongside the gravel road. My earbuds in and music playing. My side was starting to cramp slightly so I stopped and to take a small breather.

I placed my hand on my side before raising it above my head with the other one to suck in some oxygen. Damn, remind me to never get shot or injured again. That reminds me I need to stop by the Dutton ranch and check on everyone. I'll have to do that after I get home and take a shower. I started up jogging again. Best not to keep stopping and just get it over with.

I nodded my head along to the beat of the song I was listening to before a loud rumbling sound was heard. I slowed down again to a walking pace and looked to both sides before turning around. I crouched down as a fighter jet flew over head, just barley above the tree line. What the hell!? I have never seen that before, let alone down here. Must be the base practicing or something. I'll have to tell my uncle about it.

Suddenly the jet veered to the right turning sharply and heading back my way. I ducked down as it flew even lower then the trees and right over top of me. I stumbled backwards before landing on my ass. I threw my hand up in the air giving the flying object the finger.

"Asshole!" I shouted.

I slowly pushed myself up into a crouched position before standing up and dusting myself off. What a jerk. I'm definitely going to be mention this to my uncle now. Man needs his pilots license revoked for that stunt.

The jet then circled in the air a couple times before flying out of sight. I scoffed and shook my head. "Unbelievable." I muttered to myself and continued on my walk.

As I came up to the driveway of our house I noticed that my aunties car and Rons truck were now missing. Guess they got called into work. The only vehicle that remained was a silver Corvette. I smiled as I passed it, lightly running my hand over the hood before walking up the steps.

I went to grab the handle on the door but it had swung open revealing a smiling Sides. I chuckled at him.

"Hey Sides."

"Hey there gorgeous." He answered back smoothly.

I rolled my eyes and nodded my head to the swinging bench on the porch. His smile widened even more and he stepped out onto the wood.

Sides and I have been getting along really well over the past week. We always seem to be gravitating towards each other and knew when the other wasn't in a good mood. This didn't go unnoticed by my uncle who would always glare at him. Ron doing the same, except not as much. They didn't know about the moment we shared behind the coffee shop last week, and I wanted to keep it that way.

After that display of affection that Sides showed though, he seemed to be more protecting of me and not far if I needed him. I was very hesitant at accepting these feelings though. Last time I was in a relationship it didn't end well. And let's be honest, should I really be going after one of my uncles co-workers?

He sat down beside me on the bench and swung it back and forth. We sat in silence for a bit before I turned to him clearing my throat. His eyes instantly found mine. They seemed to have a happy gleam in them.

"Where is everyone?" I asked motioning to the front of the house where all the cars and trucks are usually parked.

His eyes dulled for a moment before they got even brighter and his smile widened. "They located my brother, we're heading out tonight to get him."

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