My Truck Is Better Than Yours

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I walked passed Ron and over to the drivers side of my truck and opened the door. Reaching up I grabbed the handle on the inside and hoisted myself up into the drivers seat before settling in and closing the door. Damn that 8" lift really is the best.

As I put the keys in the ignition and started it, I looked out the windshield to see Ron staring at the back of the house where Sides retreating figure was walking up the steps and into it. I sighed in slight irritation thinking back on the little spat we all had.

Rolling down the passenger window I yelled out to Ron. "You want a ride up, or are you gonna stand there and watch the grass grow over night?"

I heard a scoff leave his mouth before he shook his head turning to the passenger door and opening it. I smiled to myself.

When the door was open all the way the seats were level with his lower chest. He just looked from the height of the truck and then back to meet my eyes.

"What?" I questioned.

He grabbed the handle before hauling himself in the truck and closing the door behind him.

"Your tuck is raised very high off the ground." Was his blunt response as I pushed the clutch in and shifted it into first.

"Okay....and?" I said while giving it more gas and shifting it into second before driving up the hill and to the front of the house.

I looked over at him to see he was looking out the windshield and to the two new vehicles that sat in the front parked in a nice straight line.

"It is very impractical and is terrible on fuel, judging by the height and ginormous tires it has for no reason." He stated as he rested his arm on the window and then his head in his hand.

"What!?" I said while giving a gasp. "There is a reason!"  

"Oh yea, and what is the reason Laura?" He shot back while turning his head towards me, giving me his full attention.

I inhaled slightly while pulling the truck up to the front of the house and staying back a bit as I now noticed that the black truck was parked in my spot. Grumbling to myself I shifted into neutral before looking straight ahead and answering.

"It looks cool...." I replied while continuing to stare at the black behemoth of a vehicle that sat in my spot. A GMC topkick. Nice. As I stared at it longer I noticed that my truck sat slightly higher than this one.

I turned to face Ron and saw him open his mouth before cutting him off quickly. "Who's truck is that? Yours or Sides? Or did the military give it to my uncle to use."

He glanced at it before looking back at me.

"It's mine."

"Oh okay okay, I get it now." I said while smiling slightly.

"Excuse me?" Ron said while looking at me confused. "I am not sure I understand, there is nothing to get. Are your processors malfunctioning?" 

I rolled my eyes before gesturing to the truck in front of me. He looked back at it before I continued on. "My truck is taller than yours. It's affecting your ego. Don't worry about it though, I forgive you. I know how much men cherish there big egos." I finished while then shifting it in first again and pulling up to the left side of the truck and throwing it back in neutral before putting the parking brake on.

I turned to look at Ron to see him staring at the dash of my truck intently with a gobsmacked look on his face. He then raised his head and looked at me.

"No. You are wrong." 

I laughed aloud before opening my door and hopping out. As I did I stumbled a bit in my crocs and shot my hand out in front of me and braced myself on the side of the black truck. The metal was warm against my hand and it felt as if the truck almost shifted as if being startled? Wait that can't be right. Must be the lack of sleep getting to me. I just shook my head and gathered myself back up before turning and closing my door.

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