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When Sides and I reached the fire everyone turned to us. I was still perched on his back, my head peaking around his shoulder. I stuck my hand up and waved at them all.

"Hello, sorry to keep you guys waiting." I said smiling at them. I got a handful of its okay and don't worry about it.

I went to put one of my legs down, but Sides hands tightened on my thighs where he was holding me up. I looked down at him in confusion. "What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong, you're just still in your bathing suite. We should head up and change. I don't need other mechs staring." Sides said whispering the last part to me. I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Then looked up as someone cleared their throat.

"He's right. Head up and change real quick, then come down. I'll have a nice cold beer waiting for you sweetie." My uncle said from his sitting position on the picnic table. He was sitting beside Aunt Sarah who was holding a sleeping Annie. Huh when did she get here.

I rolled my eyes and mumbled a whatever. "Okay then, intros will have to wait another momento." I said wrapping my hands back around Sides neck again. "Giddy up." I added kicking my legs a little.

"Yes ma'am." Sides replied with a chuckle. He walked backwards and to the side a bit until we were no longer illuminated by the fire before turning around and walking normally up the hill. Was he trying to prevent the others from seeing me? Thoughtful I guess.

Once we got to the top he let me down gently and held the front door open for me. I thanked him before walking through and then turned to him. "I'll be right back!"

"I'll be right here, wouldn't dream of leaving without you." He answered back. I smiled and turned around jogging up the stares. It wasn't until I was at the top and around the corner did I hear him start to move from his spot. That cheeky bugger, enjoying the view that he wouldn't let the others see.

Once inside my room I changed into a pair of light grey joggers and a oversized black top. The t-shirt was hanging off of one shoulder so my lacy bra was exposed. I then threw my hair up into a messy bun and wrapped a bandanna around it. That should do it.

I then hopped down the stairs and saw Sides leaning against the bottom post, his clothes changed and dried, with a grey jacket pulled on overtop. Darn I forgot my sweater.

Sides turned to me and his eyes softened, I smiled in return.

"Ready to go meet the others?" He questioned standing up from his leaning position.

"Yessir, although you called them mechs earlier, what's up with that?" I asked as we walked out the door and stepped onto the porch.

"Um, nothing nothing. Just a term we use down at the base." He answered looking away. Very suspicious. I hummed in response and took the last step down onto the gravel.

A car door closing caused the both of us to look up and Sides hand instantly shot out in front of me. Mirage rounded the corner and looked at the both of us.

"Did I scare you?" He questioned playfully. He was now in dried black pants and a deep red button up, the top three buttons undone like before. Sides hand dropped and he gave him a bit of a glare.

"No, I just wasn't sure who was here." He grumbled out. Right.... he totally got a bit scared.

"Maybe just a bit." I answered holding my hand up and pinching my fingers together. He chuckled at that.

I went to go and say something else when a gust of wind blew by brining the chilling night air with it. I shivered a bit. Both men seemed to notice and Sides wrapped an arm around my shoulders tucking me into his side.

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