Livestock Office

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"Hey Laura, I need my partner in crime to help me out today." Kayces voice rang through my phone speaker. I groaned and looked at the clock on my dresser.

"Kayce, sweetie, it's Nine-Thirty in the morning on my day off." I groaned out covering my face with my arm to block out some of the light coming in.

I heard movement downstairs and new that all the others were up and in the kitchen. My uncles team decided to stay the night, and lets just say we stayed up and drank till the early hours of the morning talking and getting to know each other. They still wouldn't let me in on what exactly they do though, which was a piss off but an enjoyable night none the less.

"I know, I know, but you're better at this paper work shit then I am. So please?" I heard him plead. Dang I could never say no to one of my best friends. Plus the Dutton's paid me well to help out around their ranch and keep things in order.

"Ugggs. Fine give me an hour and I'll be there. You better have a coffee ready for me though." I said through the phone while standing up and heading to the shower.

"Yes ma'am. See you soon, I owe you one!" He answered back, cheer in his voice.

"Damn right." I said before hanging up and tossing the device on the bed.

I let the warm water wake me up before drying off and getting changed. I opted for a nice dark green top with blue wranglers and my buckle. I then attached the Livestock badge that they gave me when I help them out to the left side of my hip. I then walked to my safe and put the code in, grabbing my hand gun and securing it to the right side of my hip in its holster.

I grabbed my hat and jacket and walked out my door closing it behind me with a soft click. As I went down the stairs the voices got louder, sounding like they were all in the dinning room eating. I placed my hat on my head and shrugged my jacket on walking into the room. They all turned and smiled at me. I returned it before finding my uncle.

"I have to head down to the Livestock Office for a bit and help Kayce out, so I'll be gone for a bit." I told him and walked up behind the chair Sides was sitting on. He turned and looked up at me sending a smile. I returned it before looking back at my uncle and placing my hands on the back of the chair.

"Okay, be careful please. I've seen how some of those people are. Did you want to take Sarahs car?" He asked lifting his mug to his mouth.

Huh, yea I totally forgot I don't have a vehicle right now. I reached down, my shoulder brushing Sides as I took a piece of bacon off his plate and brought it up taking a bite of it. He turned and looked at me fake hurt all over his face. I sent him a wink before finishing it.

"Um, yea that would be great, thanks Will." I replied back wiping my hands together and taking a step back.

"I can give you a ride if you want?" Sides spoke up looking at uncle and then at me. Will nodded and shrugged his shoulders leaving the decision up to me.

"Well you don't have to, I'm okay taking their clapped out little rocket." I answered back.

"Hey!" My uncle shouted throwing his hands up in protest. It was true though. It was rusting everywhere and the check engine light has been on for well over a year. I just refuse to look at it because I'm hoping it'll clap out any day now.

"Not a problem at all. It'll be good to get out for a drive anyway." Sides said as he placed his napkin on the table and pushed his chair out standing up. I heard a scoff and turned to see Ron shaking his head and looking out the window. I raised an eyebrow and caught Orions gaze who was looking at him as well. He gave me a sympathetic look before nudging Rons shoulder.

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