Lakes, Bonfires & Jealousy

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I woke up the next morning around 7a.m and headed to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. As I passed the front door I noticed that Sarahs car was gone and just the silver one remained. I think I remember her saying something about a playdate with some other kids and a 'mom' get together thing. Ew.

I walked into the kitchen to see Will sitting at the table eating cereal and Jazz leaning against the counter beside the coffee pot. As I walked over to the heavenly liquid I threw my hair into a messy bun.

"Good morning pain in my ass." My uncle said as he shoved a spoon full of his food in his mouth. I mustered up the most sarcastic smile and gave it to him before dropping my face into a deadpanned look. He started laughing.

I turned back around to pour myself a cup of coffee, but found that there was already a mug full and being held out to me. I looked up and smiled kindly at Jazz.

"Thanks handsome." I said as I lifted the cup to my lips and took a big gulp. 

"No problem gorgeous." He replied back with a smirk, his blue eyes lighting up.

"Okay can we please not do this this early in the morning? I am still traumatized from everything that happened last night. And it's making me want to call in to work today, just so I don't have to leave you two alone." My uncle said standing with his bowl in his hand. He walked in between Jazz and I pushing us apart causing a chuckle to leave the soldiers mouth. He then set the dirty bowl down in the sink.

"It's Sunday, why are you going into work?" I questioned leaning back against the island.

"Well I have to go in and talk to Prime about what happened last night involving that stuff that I do not want to go over again. So Ron is going to stop by and pick me up while Jazz stays here with you to make sure everything is okay." He said heading down the hall.

"Ouuuu so I get to spend the day with the cute soldier, you sure you're okay with that willy?" I teased using his nick name. He stuck his head back into the kitchen.

"No I am not okay with it but I have to go and deal with this matter. Jazz is a lieutenant so I trust that he'll keep you safe and to not do any funny business. You on the other hand, I've given up trying to control. You've been a wild card since you arrived, so Jazz take precautions." Will said pointing at me and then him. I smirked at my uncle and lifted my mug up to him.

"I don't know Willy I may let a little funny business slide." Jazz said throwing me a smile and then turning to Will who had an are you kidding me look on his face.

"Should I have brought Mirage instead of you?" My uncle questioned stepping into the kitchen and crossing his arms.

"You and I both know he is a bigger flirt then Sides and I combined. His ego is to big for his helm and he thinks his alt mode is the best thing since it's a Ferrari. Personally I liked the Porsche but whatever." Jazz said crossing his arms now too. Wait what? This guy has a Porsche and a Ferrari?

"Yea you're right, I'm just still pissed at you for what you two pulled last night." Will said squinting his eyes at Jazz.

"Wait did you say a Ferrari? You know that and Lamborghinis are my favourite sports cars! Will you have to bring him here for me to meet. Well more like see the car." I said a smile on my face.

"Oh brother do not let him hear that, it'll go straight to his head. And what's wrong with the car outside?" Jazz questioned while looking at me.

"There's nothing wrong with it! Pontiacs just aren't as fast as the other two, kind of slow, makes it look like a snail." I exclaimed waving my hands around a bit.  

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