Part 2

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Warning Mature Content! Don't Read If You Are Uncomfortable Reading Smut Scenes Or Sexual Content! You Have Been Warned!


"There we go, that should do it." I said as I placed the last chair down around the firepit.

"Finally! Now I can try some of this whiskey you've been bragging about." Jazz replied as he plopped down in a chair leaning his head back. His blue aviators now back over his eyes.

"Yes! Let me run up and grab it and I'll be right back down. The others should be here within an hour or so." I pointed up to the house and started walking to it. "Oh! can you set up the lanterns along the dock too please!" I shouted down to him.

"Yes mil lady." He answered cheekily. I laughed and continued up the hill and into the house. I ran upstairs to change into my two piece swimsuit before jogging down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed my bottle of Pendleton whiskey along with two of my Yeti mugs and started to head for the door. I stopped short and looked down seeing I was only in the two piece. I huffed and set everything down. 

I went to walk up the stairs to find a cover up but stopped short as I saw a grey/silver hoodie on the back of the couch. Must be Jazzs. I quickly grabbed it and threw it on. It was slightly big on me and ended at my mid thighs. Oh well at least it covers me up. I quickly scooped up the two mugs and bottle before heading out the door and back down the hill. 

When I made it to the bottom I saw that Jazz was setting the last of the lanterns down at the end of the dock. A plan formed in my head. I set the stuff down on the ground before slowly and quietly making my way down to the end of the dock. As I got closer I heard him mumbling to himself after looking at the lantern he sat down. He started to stand up and I knew that it was now or never. I quickly ran the last few steps to Jazz and he spun around making eye contact with me.

"Laura!" Before he could finish his sentence or continue to yell at me, my hands made contact with his shoulders and I shoved him backwards and off the dock. His arms flailed in the air before he collided with the lake water. I laughed and watched the water ripple out.

I continued to chuckle to myself before realizing that the water started to calm down, but Jazz had still not come up. Oh shit, what if he couldn't swim? Panic immediately set in and I whipped his sweater off of my body before diving into the water after him.

I felt around in the water for him but could not grasp anything. I then opened my eyes to the best of my abilities to take a quick look around. Nothing. My body screamed for air from the amount of time I had been under and I pushed myself to the top breaking through the surface of the water. I brushed my hair our of my face and quickly did circles around to see if I could see him.

"JAZZ!" I yelled out. Great I've unintentionally killed my uncles soldier.

Suddenly something grabbed my ankle and I was yanked under the water again. I took a deep breath before my head went under. Arms wrapped around me and I opened my eyes under the water. I came face to face with the cheeky bastard. The sunlight reflected off of his glasses he still wore. I took my hands and placed them on his shoulders shoving him away letting a smile creep onto my face before pointing to the surface and receiving a nod.

Once we were both floating at the top I swatted my hand in the water and splashed him in the face.

"You jerk! I thought you drowned!" I yelled out. He laughed grabbing my hand as I went to splash him again and pulled me towards him.

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