Fights & Out Of Control Men

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The sound of someone knocking on my door woke me up. I groaned as I looked over at the clock, 10:23 a.m.

"Laura?" The sound of Rons voice could be heard through the door.

"Hmmmm..." I mumbled out sitting up in my bed.

"Your aunt and uncle just left to go into town." He said still on the other side.

I walked to the piece of wood separating us and opened it to see him leaning against the wall. His eyes looked up to meet mine and I smiled at him. "Okay. Thanks for letting me know."

"As well as you said you would be fighting Sunny today? Him and Sides left to go set up a mat and everything down at that old barn a couple clicks away." He said standing up straight now.

"Darn I did say that didn't I? Oh well I'm sure I got this. Took down your old ass didn't I?" I said playfully, turning and walking into my room and to the closet to pick out some active wear.

I heard a scoff from behind me and looked to see Ron shaking his head. "You got lucky. Besides are you sure this is a good idea? As much as I don't like the mech, him and his brother are the best hand-to-hand combat soldiers I've ever met. I also trained them, but still. Don't ever tell them I told you that."

"I'm sure I got this and if I don't well, just have Ratchet on speed dial yea?" I said grabbing a black Nike tight fitting long sleeve and a pair of workout tights to go with it.

"So will you be coming down to watch?" I asked walking to the bathroom door and leaning against the frame.

"Yes. Jazz and I will be accompanying you there." He said standing up from the leaning position on the wall and taking a step in the room. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Just be careful Laura, okay? I can see that you care about Sides and there are still things that you don't yet know." He said coming to a stop in front of me. I had to tilt my head back to look into his eyes.

"No more Mr. Jealous?" I asked teasingly.

He looked up at the roof and crossed his arms. "No. I can see that your feelings are with another. Though I will beat the aftheads into scrap metal if they hurt you." He said now looking at me.

My face pulled into confusion. "Aftheads? What's that? And the 's' meaning two?"

He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Just be patient. You'll find out in time." He then placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair. "Now go get ready kid. The twins are becoming impatient."

I laughed as I pulled away from him and walked into the bathroom. "Thanks old timer."  I called out and shut the door.

"Kid you have no idea."


After I had changed and tamed my hair in a messyish bun, I had grabbed an apple and made my way out of the house and to one of the vehicles that we'd be taking to the old barn.

I chose to ride with Jazz, mostly because he insisted. And that led us to now. We were pulling into the small driveway and in the distance I could see two figures fighting. I raised a brow and looked at Jazz.

"They're just practicing, don't need to worry about it shorty." He said parking the car and getting out.

I nodded to myself and stepped out as well, shaking my arms as I did to try and loosen the muscles up a bit.

Ron walked up and stood on my other side as we all made out way to the two brothers. Once we were a couple feet away, you could see that Sides had the upper hand.  That was until Sunny said something to him causing him to look in our direction. Sunny took the opportunity of a distraction and quickly grabbed his arm turning it and throwing him on the ground. He let out a groan.

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