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"Why are you on the bed with her?" Ratchets voice woke me up from my slumber. I didn't open my eyes however as I was very comfortable and warm. Plus these guys never tell me anything, so what's a little listening in gonna do?

Arms tightened around me. "Shhhhhh you'll wake her." Sides said in a whisper. So that's whose arms were around me. It took a minute for my brain to remember what happened last night.

"I don't care. Get out of the bed." The angry voice of Ron growled out. Steps could then be heard before more shuffling.

"Hide calm down. I was simply just inquiring." Ratchet said. Grunting was heard but no more shuffling of feet.

"She woke up last night. I wanted to get you, but she insisted she was okay until morning." Sides said loosening his grip and slowly removing himself from the bed. The warmth going with him. I let a groan out from the loss of it, and everyone stilled going quiet.

I took this as my que that it was time to let them know I was awake and slowly opened my eyes. It took a couple seconds for me to adjust to the bright lights, but once they were I looked around the room.

Ratchet, Ron, Will and Sides were all standing around the bed.

"Hey guys..." I trailed off stretching my arms above my head and instantly wincing. Ratchet was quick to jump in and stop me. Sides right behind him, but was stopped by Ron who glared at him.

"Be careful Laura, you could pull your stitches." He said moving the blankets and lifting the gown to look at them letting out a hum. "Aside from that it should be obvious that you will have to be taking it easy again. Same rules apply as last time."

"Oh the joy!" I replied sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Really? You're going to be sarcastic at a time like this? Right after you got shot!?" My uncle exclaimed pushing in between Sides and Ron to be at my bedside.

I looked at him and gave him a cheeky smile, "What? Am I supposed to change personalities because of it. It's just a gunshot wound I'll be fine." I said waving my hand at him. "Plus the bull riding accident last year was worse."

"It's not fine Laura you were shot! And what accident?" He asked sternly looking me dead in the eyes. Uh oh. I forgot I wasn't supposed to say anything about that. Aunt Sarah and I decided to keep it a tight secret.

For some reason my uncle thought riding broncs was okay but bulls weren't. And I guess in this case he was right, but still.

I lifted my hand and scratched the back of my head with it.

"Um I may or may not have gone bull riding last year. I won, which is all that matters, but it came right at me after I got thrown off. That's why," I paused and lifted the gown up more and to the side to expose my scar, "I got this bad boy right here."

My uncle scoffed and shook his head looking away. "Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. You know what, that's not the point. The point is you were shot. I don't want you working there anymore." He stated crossing his arms.

I looked at him, anger clear on my face now. "Well that's not going to happen. The Duttons have been there for me since I moved out here. It's not my fault some jackasses decided to try something." I said back bitterly.

"It doesn't matter it's too dangerous." He replied back crossing his arms. Who does he think he is?

"You're being ridiculous and overbearing. So try again." I gritted out.

Sides and Ron stood back looking between the both of us not sure if they should step in or not.

"If you live under my roof, you listen to me young lady!" He shouted at me. Why was he getting all snappy all of a sudden?

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