Bathrooms, Beers & Barns

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We all stood around the island in the centre of the kitchen. My uncle stood to the right of me and my aunt Sarah and Annie stood to the right of him. Ron and Sides as I was introduced after some not so apologetic apologies stood across from us on the opposite side of the island.

" So Sides and Hide? What kind of names are those?" I said as I waved my had between the two of them. "Are y'all going for like twinning thing or?"

Ron's eyes widen slightly, as if I shouldn't have known the nickname and glanced to my uncle.

" Well, if you didn't want me to know the nickname," I said as I pointed at Sides, "then you shouldn't have screamed it like a little girl." I finished while taking a sip of my beer.

Sides let out a scoff before looking at me and my uncle and Ron both had smirks on their faces.

"Okay first of all I didn't scream like a little girl," Sides started as he pointed at me, " and second all Hide is just a nickname for Ron. His full name is Ron Edhide." Sides said answering my question. I nodded before ok seeing another thing.

" Ok so if Hide is a nickname is Sides your nickname or is that like your actual name?" I questioned again while leaning on the island counter in front of me.

He quickly glanced to my uncle, and then Ron before saying, " Um... uh... well Sides is my nickname name. Everyone calls me that back at the base. No one really calls me by my real name anymore." He replied well looking at my uncle as if an approval. My uncle than nodded his head as of saying yes to him, and then look to me continuing to nod as if confirming it.

As I was about to continue on with the questions, Annie let out a small but shrill cry catching all of our attention as we turned to the culprit. My aunt stood rocking her in her arms before looking back up at us all.

" Sorry guys I left her baby food out on the table. Better go get it before she starts screaming!" My aunt said as she looked at all of us. Her eyes then landing in her husband.

"Will, why don't you and Ron come with me outside, and Laura you can take Sides to the bathroom and show him where the wash cloths are as well as the polysporin. Seeing as you are the one that inflicted the wounds." My aunt said to me with a proud smile on her face.

I just chuckled and shook my head, letting it drop slightly between my arms before bringing it back up and looking at her with a smile as well, and then took the last swig of my beer, before setting it on the counter with a clink.

"Yea, I guess that's fair ain't it." I replied while looking up to meet the eyes of Sides and then to my uncle who looked relived to be over with the names conversation. Which is weird, they're just names. Everyone had one right?

My aunt then made her exit walking through the back door and onto the porch, the door closing softly behind her.

I then turned to my uncle and Ron who still stood at the counter with us.

"Why don't I also go put knight in his stable and bring the trailer down there, then you can tell me about this rodeo you just came back from over another beer?" My uncle offered.

I honestly had forgotten about my horse in the whole scuffle that took place.

" I noticed it peaking around the corner of the house. That's why it took me so long to get up here and break up your guys little brawl. I thought you were down there." My uncle continued while pointing out the kitchen window where you could see my truck still running and in park with the door left open.

I looked at my uncle and smiled. "Sure that's sounds good. Although make it a yellow jacket this time and you have yourself a deal!" I said to him while pushing myself up off the counter and making my way to the other side of the counter and standing beside the guys.

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