Out Of Town

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It had been a few minutes and it was clear that Sunstreaker was not going to come back in anytime soon.

I huffed as I laid down on the couch, covering my face with my hands.

"I shouldn't have done that." I mumbled out.

I felt the couch move slightly and then my hands were being removed from my face. I looked up to see Sideswipe leaning over me.

"Hey, Laura it's okay. Like I said, he's just not good at handling emotions. He liked it. Don't worry." He reassured me.

"You...felt it through the bond?" I asked hesitantly. He nodded.

"Well only for like a click before he shut his side of the bond off." He answered back letting go of my hand and standing up straight now.

"Was it uh weird?" I spoke wringing my hands together.

"Was what weird?" He said looking down at me confused.

"Um, seeing me uh I guess kiss your brother. I should've asked you first. I'm sorry." I apologized looking away.

"Hey, you don't have to apologize okay? It wasn't weird I promise you. Sunstreaker and I are okay. We may get a little jealous of the other sometimes, but it's okay Laura." He told me looking out to the front door.

"Is that why he was getting all upset and angry? He was jealous?"

"Well yes and no. To be honest he doesn't like your species. I think it has something to do with what happened at the facility we rescued him from, but he won't talk about it. And for him to find out that his potential sparkmate is of the same kind that hurt him, that is if you accept us, freaked him out." Sideswipe told me honestly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"I should go talk to him..." I trailed off as I stood up and headed for the door.

Sideswipe quickly stepped in front of me to block my path. "Just give him a couple more minutes or an hour. When he's ready he'll come back. I just don't want him to lash out at you. Please?"

I hesitated before nodding and was about to turn back to the couch when there was a knock on the door.

I grasped the door handle and turned it, opening it to reveal Kayce standing there with clothes in his hand.

He sent me a small smile and held the folded fabric out to me, as well as a pair of my boots that I leave here just in case.

"Travis just got here with his guys, asked where you were." Kayce said as I took my clothes and boots.

Sideswipe stepped up behind me and put a hand on my lower back. I huffed at the display of him trying to be intimidating and rolled my eyes. Sides couldn't see me, but Kayce did and he let out a laugh.

"Well then I guess I'll change and be right down." I said turning and handing my cloths to Sideswipe.

Kayce looked between the two of us and then out the door to the cars. He reached up and adjusted his hat. "I heard about the commotion, where's his brother?" He asked tipping his head to Sides.

"Um, he's brooding in his car at the moment."  I answered looking over his shoulder at the gold Lamborghini. The headlights flickered and I heard Sides laugh from behind me.

"Well he's welcome to come down and watch." Kayce said starring at the car before turning to me and looking at Sides over my shoulder. "As are you, though I was wondering if you wanted to come down now and help set some stuff up. Gives me the chance to get to know you better."

I looked back at Sides to see his brows pulled together. He was about to protest I knew it, so I grabbed my clothes back and pulled his arm forwards, shoving him to stand beside Kayce.

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