Chapter 2: A Day As Spider-Man

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(Queens, New York. January, 2017. Y/N's age: 21)

Y/N's P.O.V 

I slowly open my eyes and stretch out before sitting up in bed.

I pull back the cover to get out of bed. I then put a t-shirt on and shorts.

After that I go into my bathroom to use the toilet.

Once I'm done, I go back into my room and hear cooing.

I go to my son's crib and see Marky is awake.

Y/N: Hey, lil buddy. You sleep good?

I pick him up and hold him close to my chest.

He coos again.

Y/N: I'll take that as a yes. Time to get you some food, or milk, technically.

I walk out of the room and go down to the kitchen.

(Fifteen minutes later)

I've just gotten some milk heated up for Marky.

I pick him up and put the bottle in his mouth.

Y/N: There you go, pal.

He starts drinking it fast.

Y/N: Whoa, easy there. Don't drink it so fast.

A few minutes later he drinks the whole thing and I pat his back to get him to burp.

Just then there's a knock on my condo door.

Y/N: Ah, that must be grandma.

I get up and go to answer the door.

Y/N: Hey, mum.

Lauren: Hey, sweetie.

I step aside and she walks in.

I continue patting Marky's back.

Lauren: How's he doing?

Y/N: Good. He just won't burp for me.

Lauren: Here, let me try.

I hand Marky over to her.

Lauren: Hi there, my sweet boy.

She pats his back and he burps immediately.

Y/N: Wow. How do you do that?

Lauren: I'm magic. When you were a baby your dad had trouble burping you, but I never did. Looks lik I've still got it.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Guess so.

Lauren: You going out as Spider-Man today?

Y/N: Yeah, I will. But first I wanna take a shower.

Lauren: Well, you go. I'll take care of this one.

Y/N: Thank you, mum.

I kiss her on the cheek and kiss Marky on the head before going to take a shower.

(Thirty minutes later)

I'm now out in the city as Spider-Man. I swing in and land on a rooftop ledge.

I run across the ledge and dive off the edge.

I run across the ledge and dive off the edge

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