Chapter 15: Spider-Man: The Bigman of Crime Prologue

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Hey, everyone. It's Y/N L/N and I'm back to catch you up on things.

It's been four months since my battle with Danny a.k.a Hobgoblin and it's been four months since his death. After Daniel died it did have am effect on the running of L/N Consolidated and as a single parent it's hard to run the place on my own. So, I asked Harry to become my new CFO and he agreed. It helps that he already knows I'm Spider-Man, so I don't have to come up with any excuses.

And he's proven himself to be a good addition to L/N Consolidated, he has a good mind for business. I guess he gets it from his dad.

Though I have had some help with Marky from Natasha. She's been spending alot of time in New York helping me out. Things between us are a little flirty and I really like her, but I don't know if she wants that a commitment relationship, especially as I have a child that isn't even a year old. But then again she's not easy to read, so I could be wrong.

Anyway, things as Spider-Man have been pretty good. I haven't had to deal with anyone like Hobgoblin, which is good. It's mainly just been thieves and bank robber's. When not protecting New York, I'm going on missions with the Avengers. We've been dealing with arms dealer's and such around the world.

I even joined the Fantastic Four on a mission to space for a week, we went to Mars. Reed wanted my help studying the planet for a secret project.

Well, that's all for now. I've brought you up to speed on things.

Goodbye, guys.

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