Chapter 7: Stopping The Captain

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, for the past two days I've been searching for Snart and Hobgoblin, but I've got nothing on either of them.

All I know now is that Snart goes by the codename Captain Cold.

Right now I'm at home and Natasha is with me.

I walk into the living room after putting Marky down.

Nat looks to me.

Natasha: Is he asleep?

Y/N: Yep. He went down really easy.

Natasha: So, he's a heavy sleeper, huh?

Y/N: Oh, yeah. Just like his dad.

She smiles.

Natasha: Good to know.

Y/N: Hey, Captain Lance. What's up?

Quentin: Spider-Man. I've got something for you. Snart's been located. He's just robbed a diamond. He's now making his way to the train station.

Y/N: He's tryin' to skip town.

Quentin: Exactly. You need to stop him.

Y/N: I'm on it.

I hang up and back to Natasha.

Y/N: Hey, Nat. I'm really sorry, but I have to go now. We got a line on Snart.

Sam: Really? That's great.

Y/N: Yeah and I hate to ask, but can you stay here and be with Marky in case he wakes up.

Natasha: Yeah, sure. No problem.

I smile.

Y/N: Thank you so much, Nat.

I kiss her on the cheek.

After that I quickly rush to my bedroom and change into my suit.

Once I'm in my suit I open my bedroom window and dive out of it.

Time to catch Captain Cold. 

(Ten minutes later)

I make it to the train station.

As I do I see Snart get onto a train and the train leaves.

Y/N: Shit.

I shoot a web line and it attaches to the train and pulls me forward. I then land on the train and smash through the window.

When I get in there I land infront of Snart in a spider-like pose.

Snart points his cold gun at me.

Y/N: There's nowhere left to run, Captain Cold.

Snart: I didn't see it before. Your mum know you're out past your bedtime?

I stand up.

Y/N: Aw, that's cute. I'm not that young.

I then smirk.

Y/N: If you wanted to get away, you should've taken something faster than a train.

Snart: That's if I wanted to get away. I've seen your weakness, Spider. At the armored car, then at the theatre. So while you're busy saving lives, I'll be saving myself.

Cold fires his cold gun at the floor freezing up the wheels on the train.

He then goes over to a door and opens it.

Snart: Good luck with that!

He then dives out of the train.

The train starts to derail.

I then get the idea to get everyone out of the train.

I quickly grab the civilians throw them out of the train and use my webs to create landing pads for them to land on.

Once all of the civilians are safe I manage to make out out of the train and land on the ground before it can crush me.

I turn on my back and go to get up I get shoot with ice and frozen in place.

When I look up I see Captain Cold coming over to me with his cold gun pointed at me.

Snart: You're pretty fast, Web-Head. I'll give you that. But not fast enough.

He looks at me.

Snart: Thank you.

Y/N: For what?

Snart: You forced me to up my game. I had to start thinking about things differently and look at the job differently. It's been educational.

???: Drop it.

I look back to see Captain Lance there with a few cops behind him.

Quentin: Drop the gun, Snart. I won't say it again.

Snart sighs and drops his cold gun.

After that cops come over and arrest Snart.

They also take the diamond back.

The cops then take Cold away.

After that Lance helps me up and I break through the ice. 

Quentin: You okay, Spider-Man? 

Y/N: Yeah, I'm good. You're timing couldn't have been better. Thanks, unc.

Quentin: Anytime, kiddo.

He puts his hand on my shoulder.

Quentin: You did good. You saved alot of lives, Spider-Man. Well done.

I smile.

Y/N: Thanks.

We then leave the area.

(Thirty minutes later)

I web swing back to my condo and stick to the wall.

I crawl up slightly and climb in through my bedroom window.

Nat comes in with Marky.

Natasha: (Whispers) Oh, hey. You're back.

I take off my mask.

Y/N: (Whispers) Yeah.

Natasha: Did you catch Snart?

Y/N: Yeah, we got him.

She smiles.

Natasha: Great.

Y/N: Is Marky alright?

She nods.

Natasha: Yeah, he's fine. He woke up and I just wondered around with him to get him back to sleep. He's so cute when he's asleep.

I smile.

Y/N: Great. Thanks. And thank you for what you've been doing to help me... with all of this.

She smiles.

Natasha: It's no problem, really. I like doing it.

She goes over to his crib and puts Marky in it.

After that she comes back over to me.

Natasha: Well, I better get going.

Y/N: You sure? I mean you can stay here for the night, if you want.

She comes over to me.

Natasha: Don't worry, I'll be okay. You get some rest, you've earned it.

She kisses me on the cheek before leaving.

I take my suit off and decide to get into bed.

With Snart out of the way I can focus solely on finding Hobgoblin.

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