Chapter 16: Spider-Man Vs. Sandman

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(Queens, New York. May, 2017. Y/N's age: 21)

Y/N's P.O.V

Right now I'm at home with Marky as I'm just trying to be a normal dad.

And I'm trying to get him to burp after giving him his bottle.

I pat his back and he burps.

Y/N: There you go, buddy.

I hear the door open and turn to see Nat come out wearing one of my t-shir's and a pair of shorts.

Natasha: Hey.

Y/N: Hi.

Natasha: Thanks for letting me stay here last night.

Y/N: No problem.

Natasha: You know you didn't have to give me your bed.

Y/N: It was okay. The couch was comfortable. That's why I bought it.

Natasha: Well, I still appreciate it.

She kisses me on the cheek.

Y/N: It's no problem. I like having you around.

She smiles.

Natasha: I like being around. Being around you.

We lean in closer and try to kiss.

Just then Marky coos.

Nat giggles.

Y/N: Sorry, pal. Was I not giving you enough attention?

I look to Nat.

Y/N: I better take him to my mum's. Help yourself to some food, if you want. I'll be back soon.

Natasha: Okay. Thank you.

I go to change before taking Marky to my mum's.

(One hour later)

I'm now out in the city as Spider-Man on patrol.

I drop down onto a rooftop ledge before getting contacted by Natasha.

Natasha: Y/N, we've got a problem.

Y/N: It wouldn't be us if we didn't, what's up?

Natasha: There's a bank robbery two blocks from you.

Y/N: Okay, I'm on it. Stay on standby, just in case.

Natasha: Got it. Be careful.

Y/N: I will.

After that I swing around the corner and head to the bank.

Once I get there I land on a rooftop near the bank and hear the alarm going off.

The doors burst open and sand spills out of it.

The sand forms into Flint Marko a.k.a Sandman.

Y/N: Marko again. Really?

I jump off the rooftop and swing down to him.

Y/N: Marko, good to see you.

Sandman: Hey, Web-Head. I thought this would get your attention. Though I'm surprised you and your friends aren't dropping cities from the sky.

Y/N: You did this to see me? That's so sweet. I'm very flattered, I must say.

Sandman: Though I'm surprised you and your friends aren't dropping cities from the sky.

Y/N: Okay, we didn't do that. Ultron did that.

Marko swings at me, but I duck down and punch him in the chest.

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