Chapter 36: Let's Go Get That Son of A Bitch

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(Two weeks later)

(Upstate New York)

Natasha's P.O.V

The other's and I are now back at the Avengers Compound.

We've been back for a little over two weeks.

And Carol Danvers is out in space looking for Y/N and Tony.

Thankfully, Marky survived the snap along with Y/N's mum.

I go into my room at the Compound and go over to his crib to see he's awake and laying in there.

I smile.

Natasha: Hey there, baby boy.

He smiles.

Marky: Ma.

Natasha: Come here.

I pick him up and hold him.

Natasha: Don't worry, sweetie. Your daddy will be home.

Just then I feel the Compound rumbling.

Third person perspective

Everyone within the Compound feels a rumbling and immediately rushes outside.

They see Davners bringing a ship down and land it in the field.

After that they see Y/N and Tony step out with Nebula.

Steve rushes over to help Y/N with Stark.

Y/N: We couldn't stop him, Cap.

Steve: Neither could I.

Stark stops and looks at Steve.

Tony: I lost, Steve. I lost.

Steve: We lost, Tony.

Tony: Pepper, is she...?

Just then Pepper rushes over and hugs Tony.

Y/N's P.O.V

I slowly walk over to Natasha and Harry.

Natasha: Y/N, thank god.

She rushes over and we hug.

Natasha: I thought I lost you, baby.

Y/N: I know the feeling.

We then kiss briefly, before pulling away.

Y/N: Wait, Marky... is he...?

Natasha: He's fine. He's inside. And your mum is okay too.

Y/N: Okay, okay. Good.

We go over to Harry.

Harry: Hey, bro.

Y/N: Hey, Harry.

He and I hug. 

Harry: Come on, let's get you inside.

I go in with them.

(Twenty minutes later)

We've got Tony hooked up to an IV and we're being debriefed by the other's.

Rhodey: It's been seventeen days since Thanos came to earth.

Natasha: The world's government's are in pieces right now. It looks like Thanos did exactly what he said he'd do, Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures.

As Natasha said this images appeared on the hologram of all the people that we has lost to the snap.

Tony: So, where is he now? Where?

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