Chapter 20: Spider-Man Vs. Rhino

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, for the past two days Nat, Harry and I have been looking for this Bigman.

But we've got nothing at the moment.

I'm sat at the computers in the Spider Cave.

Y/N: Damn it. How can we find the Bigman?

Just then I see Harry come out of the elevator.

Y/N: Hey, man. How was the meeting?

Harry: Ah, boring. The usual. You didn't miss much.

He comes over and sits on the desk.

Y/N; Good to know. Thanks for covering for me, and for being my eyes and ears on the board for today.

Harry: No problem. This is important. How's the hunt for the Bigman going?

Y/N: Not great. We got nothing.

Harry: What about Nat's old contacts?

Y/N: Nothing yet. She's following up with them now though.

I sigh.

Y/N: We need to think of something just in case Nat's contacts have nothing.

Harry: Okay.

He and I start thinking of a new plan.

Just then I come up with something.

Y/N: I think I've got something.

Harry: Wow, that was fast. What is it?

Y/N: I have an old family friend that works at the Daily Bugle. His name's Robbie Robinson.

Harry: Okay, but how does that help us?

Y/N: Well, he knows alot about what goes on in the street, so...

Harry: So, he may know something about the Bigman.

Y/N: Exactly. I'll go see him.

I get up to change into my suit.

Harry: Alright, good luck.

(Twenty minutes later)

I'm now climbing up the Daily Bugle building to get to the top floor and see Robbie.

Just then I see

I go into a supply closet and change out of my suit.

After that I open the door and see that the place is ruined.

I see a big guy in a big suit is here and threatening Jameson.

Jonah spots me and gives me a signal to leave.

Who ever this guy, he must be looking for me.

I nod and leave the room.

After that I suit back up and swing around to the window on the other side.

Rhino: Do you think I'm stupid?

I shoot a web at the rhino's head.

Y/N: Well, you certainly are dressed stupid.

This causes him to drop the desk he's holding, I swing in a save Jonah before he's crushed.

I swing up and stick to the ceiling, standing on it upside-down.

Jonah: Hey! Put me down!

I fire webbing at Jonah to keep he stuck to the ceiling and safe.

Y/N: It's for your own safety, Sunshine.

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