Chapter 8: A Meeting With Hobgoblin

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

Right now I'm at work as I'm needed in the office.

As I work on my computer I see the door open and my mum walks in with Marky.

I smile.

Y/N: Hey, mum.

Lauren: Hi. Here's daddy, Marky.

I get up and go over to him.

He's wide awake and just looking around.

Y/N: Hey, pal.

I look to mum.

Y/N: How was he today?

Lauren: Absolutely fine. Just like he always is. How's work?

I sigh.

Y/N: It's okay. Honestly, I don't know how dad did all this. He always made it seem so easy.

Lauren: Oh, trust me. He struggled with it too. Your dad wasn't always the amazing businessman you saw.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Good to know.

Just then I get a call from Natasha.

She and Harry are working on finding Hobgoblin. Hopefully, she's got something.

Y/N: Natasha, you got something for me?

Natasha: I do. The Hobgoblin has been spotted outside the Daily Bugle. He's clearly up to something.

Y/N: Okay, I'm on it. Thanks, Nat.

I hang up.

Y/N: Sorry, mum. I gotta go. The Hobgoblin's been spotted outside the Daily Bugle.

Lauren: Your old place of work? Why is he here?

Y/N: No idea. I'm gonna go find out.

Lauren: Okay. Be careful.

Y/N: Always.

I leave the office and suit up.

(Ten minutes later)

I web swing very fast and make it to the Bugle. 

I see an explosion at the Bugle, but can't see much cause of the smoke.

When I get over there I repel down on a web line to see Hobgoblin holding J. Jonah by the throat.

Y/N: Set him down, tough guy!

He drops Jonah and turns to face me.

(A/N: So, this is Hobgoblin's armor

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(A/N: So, this is Hobgoblin's armor.)

Hobgoblin: Speak of the devil. 

Jonah: Spider-Man! I knew you two were workin' together! I...

I shoot webbing at his mouth to shut him up.

Y/N: Hey, Sunshine. Why don't you let mum and dad talk for a minute, okay?

Hobgoblin: Sleep.

He hits me with gas and I feel dizzy.

Y/N: Oh, no...

I feel myself drop and everything goes black.

(Three hours later) 

I slowly open my eyes and I realise I can't move my body.

Hobgoblin: Wake up, little spider. Wake up. You're not dead... yet. Just paralysed, temporarily.

I look up and see Hobgoblin standing there.

Hobgoblin: You're an amazing creature, Spider-Man. You and I aren't so different.

Y/N: I'm not like you. You're a murderer.

Hobgoblin: Well, to each his own. I chose my path. You chose the way of the hero. And the city somewhat loves you. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall or die trying. Despite everything you've done for them, eventually they'll hate you. Why bother?

Y/N: Because it's right.

He comes over and stands next to me.

Hobgoblin: Here's the real truth, kid. There are eight million people in this city, and those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the fee exceptional people onto their shoulders. You and me, we're exceptional.

Y/N: You're exceptional because of Oscorp and the performance enhancer.

I look up at him.

Y/N: I know your story.

He kneels down infront of me and grabs my face.

Hobgoblin: I could squash you like a bug right now. But I'm offering you a choice here. Join me. Imagine what we could accomplish together, what we could create. Or we could destroy.

He gets up and steps away.

Hobgoblin: We could cause the death's of countless innocents in selfish battle again and again and again, until we're both dead. Is that what you want?

His glider comes in and he jumps onto it.

Hobgoblin: Think about it, hero!!!

He flies away as I try to push myself off the ground.

A moment later I hear footsteps and look over to see Natasha.

Y/N: Natasha...?

Natasha: Harry, he's here!

She comes over kneels down infront of me.

Natasha: Hey, Cowboy. Are you alright?

I groan.

Y/N: Kinda. Can you take my mask off for me?

She takes off my mask.

Natasha: There you go.

She runs her hand through my hair.

Y/N: That's better.

I then see Harry come over.

Y/N: Hi, Harry.

Barry: Hey, bro. What happened?

Y/N: It was Hobgoblin. He hit me with a gas. I'm temporarily paralysed.

Harry: He clearly wanted something. I mean would've killed you otherwise.

Y/N: You're right. He did want something.

Natasha: What'd he want?

I sigh.

Y/N: It's a long story. I'll explain it all later. Let's just get out of here.

They help me up and put my mask on before we leave the rooftop.

I can't stop thinking about what Hobgoblin said though.

Hobgoblin: Despite everything you've done for them, eventually they'll hate you.

All I can think about is if he's right.

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