Chapter 27: Back To Normal

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(One week later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, it's been a week since I took down Tombstone and his whole operation.

And for the past week we've been working on taking down his smaller operations.

Harry and I have just taken down one of them at an old warehouse owned by Tombstone.

Y/N: Well, that's another one down.

Harry: Yep. This has been pretty easy, huh?

Y/N: Tell me about it. I guess without Tombstone around, they're struggling to keep everything together.

Harry: Makes sense.

Y/N: Alright. You help the cops clean this mess up. I gotta go see Captain Lance.

Harry: Got it.

I turn and web swing away.

(Fifteen minutes later)

I've just made it to the precinct to talk to Captain Lance.

It's time to fill him in on something. He's proven to be trustworthy.

I crawl into his office through the open window and see Lance at his desk.

Y/N: Hello, Captain.

He looks up as I repel down on a web line.

Quentin: How did you...? What?

Y/N: Your window is open.

He looks back at the window.

Quentin: Oh, right.

I drop down onto the floor.

He stands up.

Quentin: I didn't expect for you to come and see me. What do you need?

Y/N: Well, first I just wanted you to know we took down another Tombstone operation at an old warehouse.

Quentin: That's good.

Y/N: And I wanted to give you this.

I hand him a comm link.

Y/N: You can use this to contact me much easier as I have a comm link on under the mask. Give what happened with all this, I figured we should stay in contact.

Quentin: That's a good idea. Thank you.

Y/N: I'd also like to show you something. My real identity.

He smiles.

Quentin: I already know, Y/N L/N.

My eyes widen.

I then take off my mask.

Y/N: Wait, you knew the whole time?

Quentin: It wasn't hard to figure out. I'm a Detective too, Mr. L/N. I've known since the Tombstone take-down.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Right. Why didn't you tell me you knew?

Quentin: Well, I figured you kept it secret for a reason.

I put my hand out.

Y/N: Thank you, Captain Lance.

He shakes my hand.

Quentin: You're welcome, Spider-Man.

Y/N: Please, just call me Y/N.

Quentin: Of course.

After that I put my mask on and leave to head back out into the city.

(The next day)

Right now I'm at home with Natasha and we're in bed together.

I'm sat against the headboard with Natasha naked on my lap.

As we kiss I run my hands up and down her back.

We pull away.

Natasha: Can we just stay in bed all day?

Y/N: Yeah, I think so. Harry can handle things.

She smiles.

Natasha: Good.

She kisses my neck.

Y/N: Hey... I wanna give you something.

Natasha: What is it?

I open a draw on my bedside and pull out a key.

Natasha: What's this for?

Y/N: For my condo.

Natasha: What?

Y/N: Well, I don't know if we're ready to move in together. But I want you to feel like you can come and go. You don't have to take it though.

She smiles.

Natasha: Thank you, Y/N. I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

We kiss again.

Just then we hear Marky crying.

Y/N: Oh, no. I got him.

Natasha: No, no. Let me.

She gets off my lap and grabs her silk robe off the floor.

Y/N: You sure? You don't have to.

Natasha: I know, I want to. Besides, you said it yourself. You and Marky are a package deal, so I gotta take care of you both.

Y/N: Okay, thank you.

Natasha: It's no problem.

She goes to the door and opens it before looking back to me.

Natasha: Oh, but when I come back those boxers better be off.

I smile.

Y/N: Yes, ma'am.

Nat leaves the room to go to check on Marky.

I quickly take my boxers off and throw them away.

A moment later Natasha comes back into the room.

Y/N: How is he?

Natasha: He's okay and he's back to sleep. Now, where were we...

She takes her robe off and it drops to the floor to reveal her naked body.

Y/N: Come here.

She comes over and gets back on my lap.

We then kiss deeply.

So, Tombstone is in Rikers and I get to relax with my new girlfriend.

Things are looking good for me.

(A/N: Well, that's it for the Spider-Man: Bigman of Crime arc. Next up is Avengers Infinity War. I hope you'll enjoy the next arc.)

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