Chapter 23: A Night With Natasha

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Y/N's P.O.V

Natasha and I have just made it back to my condo.

I stumble forward and fall to my knees before pulling my mask off.

Natasha: Y/N.

She kneels down next to me.

Natasha: Are you okay?

Y/N: Define okay.

Natasha: Still breathing.

Y/N: Then yeah, I'm great.

Natasha: Let's get you to the bedroom.

She helps me back up and takes me to my room.

I fall down land sit up against my bed.

Y/N: Ow.

Natasha: So, Tombstone used a sword on you?

Y/N: Yep. He was good with it.

She kneels down and helps me pull down the top part of my suit.

After that I gently pulls off the blonde wig for her.

Y/N: That's better.

She smiles.

Natasha: Thanks. Now, you stay here.

Y/N: Where you going?

She stands up.

Natasha: I'm gonna get some water and a wash cloth, so I can clean you up. Wait here.

Nat then leaves the room.

Y/N: I'm not going anywhere.

(Fifteen minutes later)

Natasha is now sat inbetween my legs and clean my wounds.

She rubs the cloth against my cut and it hurts.

Y/N: Ah.

Natasha: Sorry, sorry.

Y/N: It's fine.

Natasha: So, other than losing to Tombstone tonight. How'd you enjoy the evening.

Y/N: It wasn't bad. I'll give it to Tombstone, he knows how to throw a fundraiser.

Natasha: I'm guessing you've been to alot, huh?

Y/N: Yeah. My parents used to take me to them. I never really found them boring though.

Natasha: Why's that?

Y/N: Because my dad was there and we'd have fun. I remember this one fundraiser he and mum took me to when I was ten. Dad let me have a sip of his whisky and immediately spit it back out.

We both laugh.

Y/N: We thought mum would lecture us both, but she just laughed.

Natasha: That sounds nice.

Y/N: Yeah. My dad wasn't just my dad... he was my best friend. And I hope I will have that relationship with Marky.

Natasha: That's sweet and I'm sure you will.

Y/N: Thanks, Nat.

A moment later she covers up my cuts.

Natasha: There you go.

Y/N: Thank you.

Natasha: When I was getting ready for the fundraiser I couldn't decide if this was a date.

Y/N: And what did you decide?

Natasha: Well, I...

We look at each other.

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