Chapter 5: Paying A Visit To Oscorp

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Y/N's P.O.V

So, after the fight with Hobgoblin I manage to find security footage of my fight with Hobgoblin.

I'm now in my office waiting for Harry and Natasha.

I look up and see them come in.

Y/N: Hey, guys. Thanks for coming.

Natasha: No problem.

Harry: Sorry about losing sight of your mum during the attack.

I stand up.

Y/N: It's all good.

Natasha: How is she?

Y/N: She's a little shaken, but she's okay. Right now she's at home with Marky.

Harry: So, why'd you need us to come here?

Y/N: Well, I need to find this Hobgoblin and I'll need your help to do it.

Natasha: Have you got any leads we can follow.

I sigh.

Y/N: Yeah, I do. During our fight I got under his glider and saw the Oscorp logo.

Harry: What? Seriously?

Y/N: Yeah. Harry, did you know your father was creating anything like this glider tech.

Harry: No, man. I mean I knew he was working on some tech for a military project, but that's it.

Y/N: Well, then I think it's time I pay your father a visit.

Natasha: A visit as Y/N L/N or Spider-Man?

Y/N: The second one. But for now, I'm going Goblin hunting.

Harry: Okay. We'll see what we can do from here.

I nod.

Y/N: Thanks.

I go to suit up and look for Hobgoblin.

(The next day)

I web swing over to Oscorp Tower as Spider-Man and land on the side of the tower.

I then use my webs to shoot myself up higher.

After that I climb through Norman's office window.

I crawl across the ceiling and see Norman sat there on the phone.

Y/N: Excuse me, Mr. Osborn.

He looks up to see me.

Y/N: Could I have a moment of your time, please?

Norman: I'm gonna have to call you back.

He puts the phone down.

I repel down on a web line and land infront of Mr. Osborn.

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