Chapter 22: Tombstone's Tower

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(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So tonight I'm going to the fundraiser that Tombstone is doing.

It's time for Y/N L/N to do some work for Spider-Man.

Nat and I are changing at the Spider Cave before leaving.

I come out in my suit.

Y/N: Hey, Nat

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Y/N: Hey, Nat. You ready?

Natasha: Almost!

Y/N: Alright.

A moment later Natasha comes out in a red dress and she looks beautiful.

A moment later Natasha comes out in a red dress and she looks beautiful

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Y/N: Whoa.

Natasha: What? Is something wrong?

Y/N: No, no. You look really beautiful.

She smiles.

Natasha: Thank you.

She comes over and straightens my collar out.

Natasha: You look handsome.

Y/N: I try not, it just keeps happening.

She giggles.

Natasha: Very funny.

She grabs a blonde wig and puts it on.

Y/N: What's with the wig?

Natasha: Well, I'll be less recognisable with it on.

Y/N: Good point. Okay, let's get going.

She and I leave the cave.

We go outside and get into my car.

(Thirty minutes later)

The car pulls outside the tower and we get out.

I offer Natasha my arm.

Y/N: Shall we?

Natasha: Yes, of course.

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