Chapter 9: The Fire Fight

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(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been three days since my one-on-one meeting with Hobgoblin.

And I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.

I'm swinging through the city to clear my head.

As I do I get a call from Daniel.

Y/N: Hey, Danny.

Daniel: Y/N, hi. You know we've got that meeting today, right?

Y/N: Yeah, I do. It's not for a few more hours. I'll be there before it starts.

Daniel: Okay, good. Just making sure. I'll see you soon.

Y/N: Alright, bye.

I hang up and land on the ledge of a rooftop.

Just then I see fire trucks going through the streets below.

I look ahead to see black smoke.

Y/N: A fire.

I jump forward and web swing towards the fire.

When I get there I see it's an apartment complex is on fire.

I hear that a baby is still trapped inside the apartment complex.

Woman: Save my baby! Please!

I swing in and web zip through a broken window.

Once I'm inside I quickly find the baby.

I hold the baby and see that the fire is getting worse.

Y/N: Ah, crap.

I quickly run back to the building and jump out just as an explosion happens.

I come down on a web line and go over to the woman.

Y/N: Don't worry, ma'am. Your baby's okay.

She takes her baby and holds him close.

Woman: Thank you, Spider-Man. Thank you so much.

Y/N: You're welcome.

Just then we hear a woman screaming in the fire.

Cop: There's someone still up there!

Y/N: I'm on it.

I web zip up and and swing into the fire.

Y/N: Where are you?

Just then part of the ceiling comes down behind me.

Y/N: Where are you?!

I look over and see a figure nearby.

She has a blanket around her.

Y/N: It's okay. Don't worry. I'm gonna get you out of here.

I walk over.

The woman turns and I see Hobgoblin.

He quickly punches me and I go flying back.

Hobgoblin: You're pathetically predictable. Like a moth to the flame.

I stand up.

Hobgoblin: What about my generous proposal? Are you in, or are you out?

Y/N: It's you who's out, Gobbie. Out of your mind.

Hobgoblin: Wrong answer! 

He throws a pumpkin bomb and it breaks open.

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