Chapter 39: Spider-Man Vs. Rhino

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(Queens, New York. April, 2021. Y/N's age: 25)

Y/N's P.O.V

Right now I'm out I'm the city as Spider-Man in the suit Nat made for me.

Right now I'm out I'm the city as Spider-Man in the suit Nat made for me

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And I'm once again dealing with Rhino.

He has a bone to pick with me as I put him behind bars last year.

I'm currently on his back and try to use my webs to hold him back.

He smashes through a wall.

Y/N: Whoa. Easy there, big fella. You seem mad Alexei. Talk to me.

Rhino: I'd rather crush you.

He flings me off his back and I go flying to a wall.

Y/N: Ow. That hurt.

I see him charging at me.

Y/N: This is gonna hurt alot more.

I quickly jump up and dodge the attack.

I land on a car and see traffic cones next to me.

So, I grab one and throw it at Rhino. It lands on his horn.

Y/N: Hey! I got the thing on the thing! What do I win?

Rhino: You!

Y/N: Me? Now, that makes no sense.

He charges at me and I web swing away.

I need to lure him somewhere where he can do less damage.

As I swing I see the docks nearby.

That's the place I can take him. No-one should be there.

Y/N: Hey, ugly! Come this way!

I swing towards the docks with Rhino chasing me.

I make it to the docks and see an open container.

This gives me an idea.

I stand infont of it.

Rhino bursts through and sees me.

Rhino: Time to die, Spider.

Y/N: Come get me.

He charges at me and I jump up into the air. I then pull him down by the horn.

I use the momentum to throw Rhino into the container.

After that I close it up and use impact webbing reinforce it.

I sigh.

Y/N: Ah, he'll tire himself out eventually.

Just then a cop car shows up and I see Quentin get out.

Quentin: Hey, Spider-Man.

Y/N: Hi, Captain. Good to see you

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