Chapter 12: The Bridge Rescue

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Y/N's P.O.V

I swing over the the Queensboro Bridge and land on a building across from it.

Just then I see an explosion in the distance.

My eyes widen.

Y/N: Damn, Daniel. What are you doing?

I look around.

Y/N: I gotta get over there, but how?

I look down and see flagpoles.

This gives me an idea.

Y/N: Okay. I hope this works.

I use two web lines and pull myself back as far as I can.

Y/N: Here goes... nothing.

I let go and slingshot forward to the bridge.

I swing through the bridge and shoot myself up into the air.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in his current suit

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in his current suit.)

Third person perspective

Y/N comes down and lands infront of Hobgoblin, who's above him.

The villain holds his mother over the edge.

Hobgoblin: Spider-Man! This is why only fools are heroes. Because you never know when done lunatic will come alone with a sadistic choice.

He looks at Lauren.

Hobgoblin: Let your mother die, the only parent you have left. Allow yourself to become an orphan!

He then looks to a cable car.

Hobgoblin: Or suffer the little children.

The kids scream in fear.

The villain looks at Spider-Man.

Hobgoblin: Make your choice, Spider-Man, and see how a hero is rewarded.

Y/N: Don't do it, Hobgoblin!

Hobgoblin: We are who we choose to be. Now, choose!

He let's Y/N's mother and the cable car go at the same time.

Y/N: No!!

Y/N quickly comes up with a plan.

He runs over to his mother's side to save her first.

The Web-Head jumps and dives off the bridge to catch her.

Spidey then swing around to the other side and catches the cable car as it falls.

He quickly fires a web line to catch himself, his mother and the hostages.

They hang in the air.

Hobgoblin looks over the side and growls.

He never thought Spider-Man could save them both.

L/N looks at his mother.

Y/N: Mum, you okay?

Lauren: Yeah, I'm fine. How did you know that plan would work.

Y/N: Honestly, I didn't know it would.

Lauren: So, what's the plan now?

Y/N: I don't know. I just...

Just then a light hits them.

Captain: Ahoy up there! We're gonna bring the barge right under you!

Y/N: Well, that helps.

Just then Hobgoblin flies above them on his glider and laughs.

Lauren: Y/N, he's coming back.

Y/N: I know. Look, I need you to climb down.

Lauren: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yeah. You have to. Its the only way I can save you and all those people down there.

She nods.

Lauren: Okay. Okay.

Y/N: Just hold on tight.

Lauren climbs down Y/N and onto the cable.

Y/N: That's it, mum. You got this.

Lauren: Watch out!

Just then Hobgoblin flies in and punches Y/N as he goes past.

Spidey manages to hold onto the cable car.

Hobgoblin comes back around and hits Y/N again, causing him to let go of the cable.

He reaches out and catches it as his mother falls, but grabs onto the side of the cable car.

The barge is almost under the cable car.

Y/N: Just gotta hold it... for a little longer...

Hobgoblin comes back around and activates blades on his glider.

Hobgoblin: It's time to die!

He flies at Spider-Man and is about to deliver the killing blow.

Just then Hobgoblin is hit the head by something, this gives Y/N the opportunity to dodge his attack.

Hobgoblin looks up and see New Yorker's throwing stuff at him.

New Yorker: Come on up here, tough guy! I've got something for ya! Leave Spider-Man alone. You're gonna pick on a guy tryin' to save a bunch of kids?!

The people continue throwing objects at Hobgoblin.

New Yorker #2: Oh, yeah! I got something for your ass! You mess with Spidey, you mess with New York!

New Yorker: You mess with one of you. You mess with all of us!

The people of New York continue to protect Spider-Man.

Spider-Man has been protecting them for months. Now it's their turn to protect him.

This distraction allows Y/N to safety drop the cable car on the barge below.

Captain: Yeah!

Lauren drops down as the car opens and everyone gets out.

After dropping the cable, Y/N pulls out the cure for Kingsley.

Y/N: Okay... now they're safe, I can focus on curing Danny.

Just then Lauren screams out to him.

Lauren: Spider-Man, watch out!

Hobgoblin flies in and a cable wraps around Y/N's waist.

He yanks Spider-Man away and flies away from the Queensboro Bridge.

Hobgoblin still has to kill the Spider.

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