Chapter 3: Help From The Widow

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V.

So, today I'm at work and I'm in my office which was once my dad's.

Though it's been a whirlwind morning as one of my scientist, Megan Andrews hasn't shown up today.

Something feels off about it, so I've got my best friend, Harry looking into it.

I hear the door open and see Daniel come in.

Y/N: Morning, Danny

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Y/N: Morning, Danny. What can I do for you?

Daniel: Morning. I was hoping we could talk.

Y/N: Sure. What's up?

Daniel: It's about the project at Oscorp.

I sigh.

Y/N: Damn it, Danny. I feel like I'm stuck in a timeloop with you. We're not doing it.

Daniel: But it could be good for L/N Consolidated. It could boost our numbers.

Y/N: The answer is no. Something feels off about this about that project. And I thought we agreed you'd leave it be.

He sighs.

Daniel: Fine. I'll let it go.

He walks out of the office.

I sigh.

Y/N: Now I have a really bad feeling.

Just then I get a call from Harry.

Y/N: Hey, Harry. You got something on my missing scientist?

Harry: Yeah, I do. I've been searching security cameras near her apartment complex and saw her been put in a car by some thugs.

Y/N: That's great.

Harry: I'll get you a location on the car.

Y/N: Thanks, man. I'm on it.

I leave my office and go to suit up.

(Fifteen minutes later)

I'm now out in the city and I've got eyes on the car.

I'm following them to see where they're taking her.

Y/N: Okay, where you guys going.

A moment later they stop outside an abandoned warehouse.

I stick to the side of a building across from the warehouse.

Y/N: Now, I just gotta get in there.

I look around to see a vent nearby.

Y/N: And there's my way in.

I web swing over and land under the vent before climbing inside.

Y/N: Ah, the vents. My new home away from home.

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