Chapter 10: Making A Deal

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Third person perspective

Daniel Kingsley is at his home and pacing around.

He's still going over what he's learnt. Y/N L/N is Spider-Man.

Daniel: I should've known that little shit and Spider-Man were on in the same.

He turns and punches through the wall.

Daniel: Y/N L/N has always been in my way. He got in the way and stopped me from becoming CEO. And now he's stopping in a mask.

He looks at the mirror and glares.

Daniel: He needs to be dealt. I need to make him wish was dead. Attack his heart.

(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

Right now I'm at my condo with Natasha and we're looking for Harry.

Last night he was kidnapped by Leonard Snart and we need to find him.

I slam my hand on the desk in frustration.

Y/N: Damn it!

Nat looks at me.

Natasha: Whoa. Easy there.  

I sigh.

Y/N: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just, Harry's missing. God knows what's Snart has planned for him. I need to find him. 

She comes over and puts her hand on my shoulder.

Natasha: It's okay. We'll find him. I promise.

???: You don't have to.

We look to the door and see Harry standing behind us.

I stand up and over to him.

Y/N: Harry. You're okay. What happened?

He looks at me with tears in his eyes.

Harry: It was Snart. He kidnapped my dad and I.

Y/N: Why? Why'd he and Rory take you?

Harry: Snart... he was gonna torture my dad. He was gonna... he was gonna hurt him... unless I...

Natasha: Unless you what?

Harry: Unless I told him who Spider-Man is. I'm sorry Y/N, I'm so sorry. I told him you are Spider-Man.

He starts crying and I pull him into a hug.

Y/N: It's okay, Harry. It's alright. I understand why you told him. You did what you had to do.

I pull away and look to Natasha.

Y/N: Nat, can we try and locate Snart?

She nods.

Natasha: Yeah. I've still got some contacts in New York. I'll make some calls. We'll find Snart.

Y/N: Thank you.

She pulls out her phone and makes a call.

(One hour later)

After talking with some people, we now have Snart's location.

I suit up and web swing to his location.

He and I need to talk.

When I find him his on a motorbike chasing after an armored truck.

I get closer and shoot out a web. I then pull him off the bike and up into the air.

I quickly web zip after him.

Snart lands on the rooftop of a tall building nearby as I land down on the other side. 

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