Chapter 25: Batwing

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, the news is out and the whole city knows who Tombstone really is.

And now he has nowhere to hide.

Unfortunately, he's not in Queens anymore. The cops hit a few of the places we got from Snart, but didn't find him.

I'm in the Spider Cave with mum, Marky and Harry.

With Tombstone out there I want mum and Marky in the Spider Cave.

I then see Natasha come back.

Y/N: Nat, please tell me you got something?

She sighs.

Natasha: No, nothing. Sorry, babe, but we're not giving up.

Y/N: Yeah, I know.

Just then I get a call from Captain Lance.

Y/N: Captain.

Quentin: Spider-Man, we've got Tombstone.

Y/N: Great. Where is he?

Quentin: He's back at his tower. My men and I are moving in now. We could use some back-up.

Y/N: Understood. I'll be there.

I hang up.

Y/N: Tombstone is back at his tower. I gotta go.

Lauren: That's great.

Y/N: I gotta go.

Harry: Okay. Good luck, man.

Natasha: Do you want me to come with you?

Y/N: No. I want you here with everyone. Just in case this is some diversion.

She sighs.

Natasha: Alright. Just be careful.

We lean in and kiss before I go to suit up.

I need to stop Tombstone, now.

(Ten minutes later)

Third person perspective

After Y/N leaves Harry looks at the computer with his secret project on it.

Lauren: Harry, what's going on?

Harry: I need to go and help Y/N.

He goes to leave.

Natasha: But how?

He turns back to the ladies.

Harry: I've been working on something.

After that he leaves the room and goes to the lab. 

(Twenty minutes later) 

Y/N's P.O.V

I'm now suited up and I make it to Tombstone's building.

The cops are in a firefight with Lincoln's men.

I web swing in to land on a S.W.A.T truck near Captain Lance.

Y/N: Captain, I'm here.

Quentin: Spider-Man, nice timing. Thanks for coming.

Y/N: It's no problem. What's the situation here?

Quentin: Well, as predicted, Tombstone knew we were coming. He's not giving up without a fight.

Y/N: We've gotta get inside and find him before he gets away.

I look to Lance.

Y/N: What do you need me to do, Captain?

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