Chapter 19: Facing Scorpion

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, it's been two days since I dealt with Snart and he's now behind bars.

Right now I'm on my way to deal with something.

I'm swinging through the city as Spider-Man.

A few minutes ago I got a call from Harry about a disturbance downtown.

I make it there and see someone dressed as a Scorpion.

He throws a car at some cops.

Y/N: Oh, crap.

I web zip in and catch the car in mid-air.

As it flips in the air I land down and hold it over my head.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in his current suit and it's daytime

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in his current suit and it's daytime.)

Cop: Whoa. Thanks, Spidey.

Y/N: No problem. You good?

He nods.

Cop: Yeah.

I casually drop the car.

After that I look over to the bad guy.

Y/N: Hey, man. Be careful. You could've hurt someone.

???: Ah, Spider-Man. The boss said you'd show up if I caused enough trouble.

Y/N: Well, I am the hero. That's what I do. Now, who are you? And who's your boss?

???: You can call me... Scorpion.

He uses his tail and a stinger extends from it.

Scorpion: And my boss' name is need to know.

Y/N: Ah, crap.

I jump up and dodge it.

Y/N: Hey, watch where you aim that thing.

I web zip towards him and try to hit him with a Venom Blast.

Just then he quickly wraps me up with his tail.

Scorpion: Don't worry, Web-Head. I just wanna give you a little squeeze.

The tail constricts and starts crushing me.

He slams me into the ground with his tail, then throws me into a wall.

Y/N: Ow.

I look up to see him aiming his tail at me.

He fires a projectile out of it.

Y/N: Shit.

I quickly jump out of the way and it melts the wall.

Y/N: Acid.

Scorpion fires more acid at me as I jump around.

I manage to get behind him and hit Scorpion with a Venom Blast.

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