Chapter 26: Facing The Bigman

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

For the past two days Harry and I have been looking for Tombstone, but we've got nothing.

We walk back into the Spider Cave to see Nat there with my mum.

Natasha: Hey, guys.

Harry: Hi.

Lauren: Looks like you two struck out.

Y/N: Yep. Until we find Tombstone, we've got no moves.

Just then my phone rings and I pull out to see an unknown number is calling.

Harry: Who's that?

Y/N: Don't know. 

I answer the phone.

Y/N: Hello. Who is this?

???: It's Snart. I know where Tombstone is.

Y/N: Snart? Wait, where is he?

Snart: He's hiding out in an property of his in Upstate New York.

Y/N: That's great. Uh, thanks.

Snart: No problem.

He hangs up.

Natasha: Well?

Y/N: That was Snart. We've got a line on the Bigman. Tombstone's in Upstate New York. This is our chance to get him.

I look to Natasha.

Y/N: You coming?

Natasha: Definitely, but first I wanna give you something. Come with me.

We walk into the next room.

Y/N: What is it?

Natasha: A new look for you.

(Three hours later)

(Upstate New York)

I'm now in Upstate along with the cops and Harry as Batwing.

And I'm wearing a new suit Natasha made for me.

The Hellfire suit.

Natasha is gonna catch up with us

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Natasha is gonna catch up with us.

Natasha: Hey, hon. How's the new suit?

Y/N: It feels great, babe.

I swing up and land on the police chopper.

I see Captain Lance inside the chopper.

Quentin: Spider-Man, we're a few minutes out.

Y/N: I know. You ready for this?

Quentin: Definitely.

A moment later we come up on the tower and immediately get shot at by Tombstone's guards outside.

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