Chapter 29: Meeting Dr. Strange

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(Queens, New York. April, 2018. Y/N's age: 22)

Y/N's P.O.V

I've just gotten back home from being on patrol as Spider-Man.

I climb through the bedroom window before closing it.

Nat then walks into the bedroom.

Natasha: Hey, baby.

Y/N: Hi.

I take off my mask.

Natasha: You okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm good. Just a few robber's to stop and throw behind bars. How's Marky?

Natasha: He's okay and still asleep.

She comes over and wraps her arms around my neck.

Natasha: How about we get you out of that suit and take a shower.

I smirk.

Y/N: Sounds good.

She helps me out of my suit and we go into the bathroom.

(Two hours later)

Natasha, Marky and I are now at Central Park together.

We're sat on a blank on the grass.

Natasha: This is really nice.

Y/N: Yeah, it is. It's just nice to get to relax.

Natasha: Definitely. Especially, with jobs like ours.

Y/N: Oh, yeah.

Nat runs her hand over Marky's head.

Natasha: So, do you think Marky will be joining us in the hero life?

I chuckle.

Y/N: I don't know about that. I mean if I let him I think I'd be considering as the worst father in the world.

She smiles.

Natasha: You're a great father, Y/N. Don't worry about that.

Y/N: But if he wants to be apart of this life, then I think that'll be his decision to make. When he's old enough that is.

Natasha: That sounds good. You want to let him make his own decisions.

Y/N: Yeah. I mean my parents did that with me when I was old enough, so I'll do that with him.

I look at her.

Y/N: And with your help, because he'll need you too, Nat.

She smiles.

Natasha: Come here.

She puts her hand on my cheek and we kiss.

Just then we hear something behind us and we turn before standing to see a portal.

A man with a clock walks out of rhe portal.

???: Y/N L/N, my name is Dr. Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me.

Natasha and I look at him.

Stephen: Oh, uh, sorry. Didn't mean freak you two out like this, or interrupt...

Y/N: It's fine, but why are you here?

Stephen: Like I said, I need your help. And a friend of yours is with me.

Just then Tony steps out.

Y/N: Hey, Tony.

Tony: Hi, Y/N. Hi, Natasha.

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