Chapter 4: The Festival

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(Five days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been five days since my team up with Natasha. And she's decided to stick around in New York to help out.

Right now I'm at the Unity Day Festival.

L/N Consolidated is apart of the festival, so I have to be as I'm CEO.

Daniel is supposed to be here too, but he hasn't shown up yet.

I'm taking pictures with my camera on the balcony.

As I take pictures I hear someone coming up behind me.

???: Hey, handsome.

I turn around and see Natasha there.

Y/N: Hey, Nat. What are you doing here?

I look at her dress.

Y/N: Wow, you look great.

She smiles.

Natasha: Thank you. And I'm here as your friend Harry sent me in invite. I just met your mother, she's really nice.

Y/N: Yeah, she is.

Natasha: What about your son? He's not here?

Y/N: No. He's a bit young for this. I left him with a sitter.

Natasha: So, you gonna take pictures the whole time we're here?

I chuckle.

Y/N: No, I'm not. I just wanted to do it for a little while. It's always something I've loved doing.

She smiles.

Natasha: Fair enough.

After that we go to join my mum and Harry on the other balcony.

The four of us start talking and my spider sense goes haywire.

I look around, but I don't see anything.

Natasha: Y/N, what's wrong?

Y/N: Something bad is gonna happen. I can feel it.

Harry: (Whispers) Your spider sense is going crazy, huh?

I nod.

Y/N: I need to change. Can you guys cover for me and keep my mum safe.

Natasha: Yeah, of course.

Harry: We got you. Good luck, bro.

Y/N: Thanks.

I sneak away and find an alleyway nearby.

I run down the alleyway and start taking off my clothes.

After that I hide my clothes and put my mask on.

Third person perspective

Back at the festival everyone hears a loud noise.

Everyone looks around to see a figure on an glider. A glider made by Oscorp.

The figure laughs manically.

He flies towards the balcony and throws a pumpkin bomb, blowing out the part of the building under the balcony.

Y/N's P.O.V

As I swing back to the festival I hear an explosion.

Y/N: Shit. Gotta move.

I swing fast and when I get back there I see a figure in orange armor on a glider.

He's gonna attack the people on the balcony.

Y/N: Hey, asshole!

He turns to see before I swing in and kick him off the glider.

I land on the side of the building to see his glider go through a a float.

This causes the structure below to coming falling down.

I see there's a kid there frozen in fear.

Y/N: Hold on, kid.

I run across the side of the building before web zipping off it.

I then swing down and catch him before he gets crushed.

After that I hand him back to his mother.

Mother: Thank you, Spider-Man.

Y/N: You're welcome.

I look over and see the bad guy stand up as cops approach him.

He walks forward with his hands up.

???: I surrender.

Y/N: Ah, crap.

Cop: Hold it right there!

He starts attacking the cops.

This guy's definitely got enhanced strength.

I web zip forward and land infront of him.

I throw a punch at him, but he catches it.

???: Impressive.

He punches me and sends me flying back into a streetlight.

I look up and see him through a blade at me.

I quickly dodge it and roll out of the way.

Y/N: Hey! Watch the threads, Annoying Orange!

???: Actually, the name is Hobgoblin!!!

He laughs manically.

Y/N: Really? That's best name you could come up with.

After that his glider comes in and he jumps on it.

He flies after me and fires shots at me as I run across the ground.

I quickly web zip into the air and land on a float.

???: Help!!!

I look over and see that my mum is trapped on the balcony.

Y/N: Sam! Hold on!

I jump forward and bounce from float to float.

Before I can get to her I'm grabbed by Goblin and he slams me into the window.

Goblin and I fight on his glide.

He elbows me in the face and I fall down onto the balcony.

Lauren: Spider-Man!

I look over to see mum.

Y/N: Hold on!

Lauren: Behind you!

I turn to see Hobgoblin and quickly shoot him in the face with webbing.

While he's distracted I do a backflip and get under his glider.

I then yank out some wires.

This causes the glider to spin out of control and Goblin flies away.

Hobgoblin: We'll meet again, Spider-Man!!!

Lauren: Spider-Man!

I see my mum fall off the balcony.

Y/N: No!

I dive off the balcony and manage to catch her.

I quickly fire a web line and it attaches to the building.

We go back up and I web swing away to drop her off.

A moment later we land onto a rooftop nearby.

Y/N: Hey, you okay?

Lauren: Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks to you. Who was that guy?

I sigh.

Y/N: I have no idea, but I get the feeling we haven't seen the last of him.

Lauren: You're probably right.

Y/N: Come on. I'm gonna take you home.

She holds onto me and I web swing away.

I need to find out who that guy is and what he's got planned.

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