Chapter 14: Life After The Fight

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(One week later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, it's been a week since my fight with Hobgoblin and he died.

Right now I'm at the funeral for Daniel.

Thankfully, no-one has blamed Spider-Man for his death as no-one knows Daniel was Hobgoblin.

Natasha comes over to me.

Y/N: Hey, Nat.

Natasha: Hi. Everything is sorted.

Y/N: It is?

Natasha: Yeah. Everyone thinks that Daniel died in a plane crash. And no-one will know he was Hobgoblin.

Y/N: Thank you for doing this.

Natasha: It's no problem. It helps still having friends who can handle stuff like this.

Y/N: I guess so. If people found out he was Hobgoblin and what he did, it'd destroy L/N Consolidated. He was the CFO after all. Everything my father created would've been lost. I... 

Natasha: And you had to do it, I get it.

She holds my hand.

Natasha: How are you feeling?

Y/N: I still don't know. I mean even though Danny tried to kill me and my mother, at one point he was still like family to me. And he... he just changed.

Natasha: I know what that feels like.

I sigh.

Y/N: I'll be back in a minute, I've gotta go do something.

Natasha: Okay.

I walk off and go over to my dad's grave.

I kneel down infront of his grave.

Y/N: Hi, dad. Sorry I haven't visited in awhile. I've been kinda busy.

I sigh.

Y/N: I'm sorry about what happened with Danny. I wish I could've saved him with the cure, it just didn't go that way. I tried, I really did.

I wipe away a few tears.

Y/N: Anyway, mum is doing good and so is your grandson. I wish you could meet him, you'd love him.

I stand up.

???: Hey, kid.

I turn to see Tony there.

Y/N: Hi, Tony.

He comes over.

Tony: Natasha told the other's and I what happened. You okay?

Y/N: Like I told Nat, I don't know. I'm getting, I think.

Tony: I get it. My CFO tried to kill me too. Look, I know this isn't the best time, but I was hoping you'd come back to the Compound with me.

Y/N: Sure, but why?

He smirks.

Tony: You'll find out. Come on.

After that I leave with Tony along with Natasha.

(Forty-five minutes later)

(Upstate New York)

Tony's car pulls up outside the Avengers Compound.

We get out of the car.

Y/N: Tony, are now gonna tell me why I'm here?

Tony: Not yet.

We walk inside and see the other Avengers.

Johnny comes over.

Johnny: There he is.

Y/N: Hey, man.

He and I clapse hands.

Reed then comes over.

Reed: Good to see you, Y/N.

Y/N: You too, Reed.

We shake hands.

I look to Tony.

Y/N: Okay, what is going on?

Cap comes over to ne.

Steve: We know what you've been through, Y/N. You've proven yourself to be a true hero. The Avengers need a hero like you.

Tony: That's right.

Tony pulls me along to walk with him along with the other's.

We walk into the next room and Tony taps on his watch.

Tony: Okay, so there's about fifty reporter's. Real ones, not bloggers.

Double doors open infront us.

Tony: You should put this one and I will introduce the world to the newest official member of the Avengers, Spider-Man.

I look at the new suit.

Y/N: Whoa.

Tony: Yeah, give that a look

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Tony: Yeah, give that a look.

Y/N: This is great, Tony. Thank you, but I've got my own suit.

I pull apart my shirt to reveal my suit.

He nods.

Tony: Fair enough. Just know this suit will be here when you need it.

Y/N: Thanks.

Steve: Okay. Let's get in there. Y/N, you better change.

Y/N: Right.

They all go inside and I change into my suit.

(Three hours later)

(Queens, New York)

I'm now back in Queens and I'm officially an Avenger.

The press conference went well, though I obviously got asked the question: who are you under the mask?

I'm watching over the city and see cop cars speeding down the streets.

Y/N: Time to go to work.

I drop down and web swing to follow them.

I swing forward and go to fire another web line.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in the FFH suit

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in the FFH suit.)

I don't know who these guys are, but they should know better than to commit a crime in this city.

They obviously forgot Spider-Man is this city's protector.

(A/N: Well, that's it for the Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Rises arc. Next up is Spider-Man: The Bigman of Crime.)

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