the malfoys

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"y/n why don't you want to speak to draco he's a sweet boy and his mother and father are our best friends after all" she stated "mother why do you suddenly want me to speak to him now,we've never spoke before and you didn't have a problem with it then"i bicker back "me,your father and the malfoys agree it's best for you both to start talking so you will have a friend in school" i roll my eyes "okay" .i walk towards the door as my father walks towards my luggage "hey kid" "hi dad" i say back "have you got everything you need?" "yes" i groan .i walk out the front door of my manor and get greeted with the malfoys "y/n you are growing up so fast sweetie" narcissa says "thank you" i quickly reply with a smile ,i turn to lucius who greets me with a grin and kisses my hand, as he lets go i turn to walk to the car while my parents are distracted when i hear this annoying voice behind me say "hello y-" "don't even try it malfoy,shut up already" i snap ,he scoffs and turns the opposite way as i get into the car.

The car ride was silent,i actually swear i could hear crickets until we make an abrupt stop and i hear my father say that we are here, i get out the car as fast as i can,grab the trunk off my dad and start walking with my and mother run through first and as the rest start to arrive my mum pulls me into a tight squeeze and says "i love you so much and i'm gonna miss you" she then kisses my forehead and squeezes me tighter i turn to my father and hug him goodbye then get on the train,i find a carriage that has no one else in it it was silent until i hear a voice at the door.

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