the goblet of fire

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it's been a few weeks since then and i've tried to stop being so bitchy towards draco but i just can't risk anything so i just try to avoid him,i've spent more time with sirius and he's been a lot of fun.i go back to school really soon and hope to see my friends and Cedric soon,it's been hell stuck with draco,i've not had anymore power outbursts but i have had more nightmares but they're all the same as the i'm going to a quidditch game,it's ireland and bulgaria playing.mine and draco's dad is taking us,which means i can't avoid him much longer.

i wake up and get ready,i just wear a jumper and jeans with a jacket,for some reason draco has started wearing a black suit,weirdo.we all apparate to outside the stadium,we then start walking inside when i notice my friends. i see Cedric and harry first then the rest,i get visibly excited we walk over to them and lucius starts talking "well put it this way,if it rains you'll be the first to know" i roll my eyes and wave at cedric,he gives me a sweet smile and waves back.

when draco starts talking i roll my eyes "y/n, i and our dads are in the ministers box,personal invitation from cornelius fudge himself!" i hit his arm,after i do his dad hits dracos chest with his cane "don't boast draco."

i laugh at lucius hitting him an he throws me a dirty look "don't look at me like that,i'm not the one who just got jabbed with it" i say "it wasn't funny" draco replies looking angry "sorry mr big bad wolf but what are you gonna do if i do find it funny?" "enough you two,come on" my dad says.

i nudge draco and take a step and lucius grabs harry's hand with his cane "do enjoy yourself won't you?while you can" he says i look at harry guilty as Lucius won't let go,i pretend to stumble and fall on his foot making him let go,he pats my back as i'm hunched over"are you okay dear?" he asks i look up at harry who's a few steps forward smirking at me and he mouths "thank you" i nod at him but continue nodding at Lucius "yeah i'm fine,im so sorry" "no worries y/n now come on" i stand up fully and begin walking with my dad,i loop my arm in his and begin walking.

we make our way over to the ministers box and sit in our seats and wait for the match to begin,i hear the minister make his speech and roll my eyes and yawn as it's really boring,i see the teams show off their tricks and skills.i look around and there's thousands of people standing watching the game,it's amazing.

after the game i ask to go back with harry to the weasleys tent,lucius gives him a look as to say remember? my dad gives one back to say she can take care of herself,i know it,he then finally agrees and i set off with harry back to the tent as they all have fun,i sit with ginny and hermione for a bit and we gossip when i hear a big bang outside.

mr weasley orders all to run as were under attack,i grab harry's hand and try follow the rest of them but we lose them due to everyone trying to run,i keep hold of harry's hand when a death eater tries to hit harry with a spell,i protect him from it and shout "crucio!" the man falls to the ground twitching,im surprised i done the spell as it was my first time.

i grab harry hand but he falls,i push past everyone seeing all the tents on fire,i see harry on the floor and someone hits me with a spell knocking me out,as i'm waking up i see a man cast a spell into the sky,i squeeze harry's hand as i'm still holding it and he squeezes mine back.

we play dead til the man's gone then i forcefully pull harry up and and grab him,apparating him to the rest "are you sure you will be fine harry?" i ask "i promise y/n,now go!" i nod and apparate back to my manor,my nose was all bloody and my nice clothes were ruined,i walk in the door and see everyone sitting down look at me.

they all jump to there feet and run towards me asking if i'm okay "yes i'm fine now can you please let me get changed!this is disgusting!" they all move at the way "thank you!" i run up to my room and clean my nose up and shower,i change into my pyjamas and i hear a knock at my door "come in!" sirius walks in the door.

"what happened to you kiddo?" "some people attacked us at the game,we lost everyone as they had ran off somewhere else.i went with harry and i casted crucio on someone trying to hit him with spells,we ended up getting trampled on and we seen a guy cast a spell into the sky making a mark,i then apparated harry to the rest of them then came back here" "sounds like you've had not a very fun night,get some rest and i'll see you in the morning,goodnight" "night sirius".he walks out my room and shuts the door,all i can think about is the light in the sky when that man casted the spell,it was a familiar green,just like the one in my dream.

a few days later

i'm on the train to hogwarts now,i've not spoken to draco in days,he's been trying to talk to me but i just walk away.i see astoria,pansy and daphne and i run up to them and hug them,i sit with them for half of the train ride.we talk about boys and stuff and then i go and sit next to harry.

"harry i'm so glad your alright" i say walking up to him and hugging him "yeah we got accused of doing all of that,can you believe it?!" "no way" just as harry starts speaking i hear the trolley lady come,Ron asks for sweets but can only afford one so i get up and get some for myself and him, i notice harry looking at cho chang,he comes back in and sits down "ooh harry fancies cho"i say laughing,hermione and ron join in "shush y/n,i don't" "yeah right" i say rolling my eyes.

i get into the great hall and dumbledore announces that our school will be hosting the triwizard tournament and no one under 17 can enter,meaning i can't but Cedric can.the beauxbaton girls arrive,they look very pretty next the durmstrang boys arrive and i notice viktor krum from the quidditch game,after they all arrive i eat then just go up to my dorm and sleep.

the next day i have a new DADA teacher professor moody,he shows us all the unforgivable curses,when he reaches crucio i gulp "ah miss thornefield,heard quite a lot of stories about you,care to tell us what the next one is?" i gulp then say "the cruciatious curse" "yes,well done y/n" he casts it on the poor animal then i just zone out for the rest of the class,i can't stop thinking about that green light.

later on in the day we all sit and watch people put there names in,cedric comes up to me "hey y/n,im gonna put my name in,if that's alright with you?" "by all means,go for it" i say,he kisses my cheek and puts his name,everyone cheers then fred and george drink a potion that would apparently make them get over the age line,hermione tries explaining to them that it won't work but they don't listen,they get blasted away and start fighting i start laughing with hermione.the full crowd goes silent as viktor krum walks in,he puts his name and looks at hermione,i hit her playfully and laugh.

i continue the rest of my week as normal but trying to avoid everyone now,i was being nice earlier as it was my first day back even though i've made a couple of friends from beauxbatons,but i can't let anyone be collateral,i get to the great hall for dinner and notice peoples names are getting picked for the tournament,the first name is for beauxbatons is fleur delacour who i had made friends with,the next is viktor krum for durmstrang,the third is cedric for hogwarts,my heart drops.

dumbledore starts talking when the goblet starts turning purple,everyone notices, he turns around and two pieces of paper fly out "y/n thornefield and harry potter" my face goes pale,no fucking way.

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