the chamber of secrets

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i look around the sink to find a snake imprinted on the side of a tape
"speak parseltongue" harry whispers, i shut my eyes and say "open the secret door"
the door opens into a big drop
"well here goes nothing" i jump down, it was quite fun.
harry appears behind me and all of a sudden the ceiling starts to gave in harry pushes me to the other side.
"are you alright y/n?!"
"yes, figure a way to get out, il go ahead"
there's a door with snakes on it so i figure to say the same thing again i shut my eyes "open the secret door"
i start walking down this disgusting pipe "it's fucking disgusting in here"
i reach a big room/corridor and start walking down it when i see ginny on the floor
"ginny!wake up!" you slap her a couple of times but nothing.

i turn around and see this gorgeous boy,he has dark hair ,is quite tall and is fucking stunning
"woah there hot stuff,scared the shit out of me there, is this your like house or something because it really needs cleaned!"
he chuckles "no miss thornefield it's not,i'm a memory,reserved in a diary for 50 years, i also admire your humour it is quite funny"
"you know who i am?"
"who doesn't know who you are y/n?"
"i've heard that to many times,where is this stupid basilisk,keeps trying to talk to me but i don't know what it's saying, "
"it won't come till it's called"
"anyways i'm guessing it was ginny who opened the chamber and because of the way she's looking the weaker she gets the stronger you get?"
"you really are smart y/n,all i had to do was ask her to open it,you'll find i can be quite persuasive"
"oh yes i can tell"
"you killed my friend,professor quirrell"
"actually i didn't,he turned to stoned and burned away"
"as Voldemort i don't appreciate you doing that"
"you're Voldemort?"
"Voldemort is my past, present and future!"
"i see we'll,do you mind getting the basilisk out,a boy i know really wants to see it"
"ah yes of course,but your gonna need to fight it and not look it in the eye"
"that's fine"
he calls this snake out and i take the camera and take a picture ,it then turns to me and starts chasing you,then Dumbledores Phoenix drops off an ugly old hat and blinds the basilisk "you may have blinded the basilisk but it can still hear you!"

you quickly take another picture of it then start running again it starts chasing you again "get to fuck you ugly bitch!" you end up in a dead end, throw a rock next to the basilisk and it move the opposite way you run out and look at the hat, it now how has sword the sword of Slytherin in it, you climb up the big temple thing and start stabbing the basilisk with the sword, you then stab it in the mouth and it dies,you take a picture of the basilisk dead on the floor "holy shit my mums gonna love this"
you get down of the temple and realise the basilisks tooth went in your arm but you grab the tooth and start stabbing the diary
"sorry tom, in another lifetime we possibly could have gotten along "
"i'll be seeing you seen y/n thornefield"
he blows into nothing ,ginny wakes up and the Phoenix arrives
"ginny!merlin your finally awake"
"y/n i opened the chamber-"
"yeah ginny i know he told me what happened"
"what happened to your arm?"
"don't worry about it"
Dumbledores Phoenix swoops in just in time and sits next to you letting out a tear onto your arm and it heals your arm,you grab ginny hand and ginny grabs harry's and you all make it out alive and well. 

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