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it was the first day back and classes changed,i'm in a class with harry,hermione,ron,,alloy and his friends,me and hermione look at gilderoy and he notices it's me "oh miss y/n how great it's is to see you again dear!" i smile and say "you too professor" he continues with the class and let's out these pixies and hermione has to stop it as gilderoy just ran out the class,i seen one land on malfoys face,it was the funniest thing i've ever seen, me and harry end up getting a detention with lockhart and he just makes us sign autographs.

i walk with harry after detention "harry i have to tell you something,come quick" he follows me and i start by telling him the story of the chambers of secrets,as we are walking i start to hear this voice.i follow it and it leads me to this wall it's has "the chamber of secrets has been opened,enemies of the heir beware" along with mrs Norris, filch's cat.

everyone starts crowding around i see Malfoy, i grow suspicious of him as he was the one who brought it up and asked me to open it. filch starts charging towards me saying he's gonna kill me so i argue back " it wasn't me you old git!" "who else could it have been then!" "i don't know but it wasn't me you smelly old bastard!" "silence!!!" i hear dumbledore shout "all of you back to your dorms!" i turn to walk away "except you four" i groan

"how did you four come across this" "y/n and harry weren't at dinner so we went to look for them" hermione replies "and where were you two" snape asks "i can vouch for them on this one!they were with me signing autographs" "me and y/n were leaving detention and walking when she said" "that i wasn't hungry and was just going to go to my dorm" i say quickly "then that smelly old git started saying i killed his cat" "okay all of you to your dorms now,they are innocent until proven guilty" dumbledore says

i walk back to the dorm and see draco in the common room i grab him really tightly "did you do it" "no-what" "you told me about it and asked me to do it,maybe because my answer was no you took it upon yourself" "there was a reason i asked you to do it,believe me when i say i didn't do it".

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