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it's been a few months since riding a hippogriff and being told the grim. Malfoy comes up to me every second of the day asking if i'm okay?if i've eaten enough? things like that and also begs me not to tell my parents,which i haven't,yet.it's almost Christmas.

flashback from a few months ago
"Hagrid i'm fine seriously,you don't have to take me i swear"
"y/n we don't want you getting hurt now do we? i hear your trying out for quidditch this year can harry tells me"
"yeah,thought i'd give it a go"
we arrive at the hospital wing and madam pomfrey directs me to a bed
"nothing to be worried about,it's just a sprained arm"
she wraps up it up and i go to pansy as we have potions
"pansy!there you are,come on we have to go!" i grab her arm and start running towards our class,snape isn't there yet.me and pansy sit in the seats we have since the start of the year,Malfoy and blaise come in snickering and sit behind us.
i'm not paying attention at all when i feel someone pulling at the back of my hair
"Malfoy go away" i turn around and face him
"i can see why your not doing well in potions,your not even listening" Malfoy says
"a little birdie tells me your also doing shit in potions and your actually listening,that's got to be telling you something right?"
"miss thornefield,see me after class please" professor snape says,i turn my head around
"but sir,Malfoy literally-"
"we shall speak about it after class"
"i swear to merlin Malfoy,i'm going to kill you"

after class i wait behind and walk up to snapes desk,he pulls a chair over to the front of his desk and gestures me to sit in it
"y/n your not failing potions,your one of my best students"
"i know i'm not,i did it for a friend"
"and why have you done that?"
"because she's bad at potions and i didn't want her to be alone in it,i also did it so she could get a boy's attention"
"i admire your loyalty y/n,please come visit me if you need any help with anything,or even just to talk"
i look at him confused "why" i say
"because i see a lot of potential in you y/n,you'll do great things,but it's the things in your head that will stop you"
i smile at him and say "thank you" and stand up grabbing my bag
"oh and y/n,good luck at your quidditch trials"
"thank you sir" i walk out the classroom and turn to my left and see Malfoy
"holy shit,you scared me,why are you here?why are you listening to my conversation?" i start walking
"had to make sure you didn't get into too much trouble" he says starting to walk with me
"well i didn't,but if i did i swear i would have actually beaten your ass"
i accidentally bump into someone "sorry" i look up and see it's Cedric diggory.
i always found him hot,just never expected him to talk to me.
"hey y/n i heard you were trying out for quidditch,i could help you practice if you want" i wonder how everyone knows i'm trying out for quidditch,probably harry,stupid boy
"yes,i would love that,thank you,is tomorrow okay?"
"yes i will meet you at the pitch at 6pm"
"okay great,see you then"
i walk forward and forget Malfoy is still trailing me like a body guard
"why are you still here?" i ask
"little date with diggory?your parents won't approve"
i hit my hand into his stomach and he crouches down "i actually hate you y/n"
"right back at ya Malfoy"

the next day i go to my classes as normal and have dinner then head down to the pitch
i spot Cedric and walk up to him
"hi" i say
"hi y/n,you ready?"
we fly up into the air after Cedric lets out a quaffle,he's goal keeper all i have to do is shoot it through the hoop.
i miss the first time but the second time i prepare myself ,i close my eyes imagining me grabbing the ball and quickly throwing it in,as i open my eyes my hands are already doing it for me,i look at my hands confused as to what's just happened, i do the same thing and focus and i score every time.
"y/n,your great at quidditch you have absolutely nothing to worry about"
"i know,i'm quite awesome right?"
"indeed ,we should hang out again soon"
i nod my head and make my way to my dorm,no one is in the common room so i guess there all on the dorms,i see all the girls up
"you will never believe who i just had quidditch practise with"
"Cedric diggory?we know Malfoy was on a big rage about it earlier"pansy asks
"he was rambling on about how he made a promise to you and both your parents to protect you and that your parents won't ever approve of it" Astoria says
"you have got to be kidding me,can't he let me just be free for once"
"anyways how's Cedric?" daphne asks
"he says i'm great at quidditch and that we should hang out again soon"
"no way y/n this is so great" Astoria says
i take a quick shower and change into my pyjamas and we all fall asleep talking about it.

today is quidditch trials,I'm not really nervous,Malfoy is seeker, I'm a chaser and blaise is a beater, the trial starts we all just basically play quidditch. i close my eyes and take a deep breathe,focus i think to myself i imagine that i grab the ball mid air duck and roll over and under people and score and when i open my eyes my hands shoot and i score,the same thing goes on and mine blaise and malfoys team win,due to me scoring so much
blaise is walking with me "y/n i didn't know you were that good at quidditch,damn you got skills"
"thank you blaise"
"miss thornefield,could i speak to you for a moment?"the quidditch coach shouts
"y/n you preformed outstandingly and i would love if you would join the team"
"of course sir,it would be my pleasure"
i run through the castle back to my dorms still in quidditch uniform i see all the girls look at me confused
"i got a spot on the team!!!!"

it's been a few weeks and today is my first quidditch match we are playing Ravenclaw,i wake up and take a shower and slick my hair back into a low ponytail,i walk into the common room
"good luck today y/n!" a random girl says to me walking by
"good luck thornefield!" another boy says to me
"so weird" i mumble and walk out of the common room.
i go to the changing rooms and get changed into my quidditch uniform a girl walks up to me
"good luck y/n,your gonna do great,my names Samantha,Samantha roisen"
"thank you Samantha,good luck to you too, i hope we win"
"with you on the team,i have no doubt we will"i smile at her and walk out grabbing my broom,it's a stormy day outside but i have no doubts about us still winning.

i walk onto the pitch and hop on my broom and float to my position,blaise winks at me in a friendly way i smile and shut my eyes,focus,i imagine me grabbing the quaffle as soon as it gets let out and dodging people and hitting it through,as i open my eyes i've already scored,i hear the crowd,screaming and cheering for me. i score 6 more hoops and look around and can't see Malfoy,i look up and see the end of his broom floating up,i wonder what he's doing?i look around and everyone is playing,i shoot up to where Malfoy is seeing dementors all around him, as i start getting higher Malfoy falls off his broom,i put my arm out and i catch him putting him over my shoulder and lowering to the ground.
"Malfoy"i slap him
"malfoyyy,get uppp" i hit him again
Dumbledore orders us to take Malfoy to the hospital wing as soon as he gets put into the bed he wakes up,the full Slytherin team are there and there all hitting my back as a well done
"did we win?" malfoy asks
"yeah thanks to y/n" one of the boys says i smirk and say "thank you"
"who helped me then?cause i know for a fact if i dropped from that high i would be dead right now"
"that was also y/n" another boy says
i smile at Malfoy "what do you say?"
he rolls his eyes "thank you"
"it was absolutely no problem,now if you'd excuse me i have to write to your mother about the state you are in and how i saved you,seems to be me protecting you not the other way about doesn't it?"
i walk away and see Cedric
"y/n,you played amazingly and you saved Malfoy also can't forget you won the game for Slytherin,i knew you could do it"
"thank you Cedric"
he kisses my cheek and walks away,i blush and go to my dorm to write a letter to narcissa

dear narcissa
Draco had a fall in quidditch today,he's in the hospital wing but is completely fine.
he can't write the now so i thought i would.
i was the one who saved him,their were dementors above the pitch i noticed him go up and followed him,next thing i know he's dropping from the sky so i grab him and take him back onto the ground.
he was unconscious from how far he fell from but he is up and fine now.
just thought i would let you know, i love and miss you guys.
lots of love
y/n x

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