the prisoner of azkaban

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we go back to school and i walk into the great hall with Draco and a girl comes up to me grabbing Draco's arm
"stay away from him,bitch" i roll my eyes at her and laugh and she punches me in the face,i keep laughing and walk up to her and get in her face
"do it again" she looks at me confused
"i said do it again" i demand her again
"DO IT AGAIN!" i scream in her face and i see her fist come close to my face,i catch her hand twist it,push her to the floor and get on top of her and start punching her,i eventually get dragged of her by pansy and the girls and i see she has bruises and a bloody face, i smirk before getting dragged to the dorms
"y/n what we're you thinking!you might get expelled now!" astoria shouts
"she hit me first,i just asked her to she do it again and she tried"
"you didn't ask you demanded,you looked psychotic,kinda hot though"pansy says
"thank you pans,i should get to class now"i say whilst wiping the blood from my nose, i have no bruises,no scratches nothing.

i walk out into the hallway heading to the next class and draco storms up to me
"what the fuck are you doing y/n!you've fucked everything up!"
"it wasn't me who started it,it was your skanky girlfriend!dont fucking start on me"
"what was it because i kissed you?are you jealous" i look at him confused as we didn't kiss and see a full crowd surrounding us,i slap him,and walk up closer to him
"over my hot dead body,il get you back,it's not a threat it's a promise" i punch him in the stomach and walk away from the crowd and to find snape,i walk into snapes classroom
"snape i need to talk to you" i pull a seat over and start telling him all the things that happened with my scar like the blue wisps coming out my hands and how i just fought dracos girlfriend
"i actually thought me and draco were starting to get along you know?"
"well maybe it's not the best time to tell you this but draco told his father about what happened in care of magical creatures and their killing buckbeak"
"WHAT" i jump up from my seat and go to divination where harry,hermione and ron are,i burst the door open
"ah y/n so glad you could join-"
"i'm not here to chitchat" i point at harry ron and hermione
"you three,move" they jump up out of their seats concerned and follow me as i charge ahead
"why are you so angry y/n"
"draco told his father that buckbeak attacked us and now buckbeaks getting killed"
i turn outside and see malfoy,goyle and crabbe,i pull out my wand and put it up to his neck
"ah you've come to see the show"malfoy says
"you,you foul loathesome evil little cockroach!"
"y/n no!he's not worth it" i go to turn away from him and hear him laugh so i turn back and punch him in the face,they run away from us
"that felt good" i say
"not good,brilliant" hermione says
we walk down to hagrids hut and i see buckbeak,i bow infront of him and he bows back,then i slowly approach him petting him,i walk into hagrids hut and hear harry say "why can't we just set him free?" "cause they'll know it was me,and dumbledore will get into trouble,he's coming here you know,when it happens " hagrid replies we start talking to hagrid when something breaks one of hagrids pots,then a stone hits off harry's head "ow" i laugh,there's a knock at the door and we run out the back door, we see dumbledore,the minister and the executioner,we run behind the pumpkins and hermione turns around and says "what,i could've swore i just,never mind" we run back up see the axe get swung, hermione starts crying and hugging ron,i swear she fancies the pants of him,i hug harry and scabbers bites ron's finger,he starts chasing it and we see a black dog,it grabs ron and runs to a tree,it's the womping willow,it starts swirling about and i see the dog grab ron and pull him into the tree,i dodge the branches and jump in the tree after them,im walking along this hallway and see sirius.
"sirius,your the dog?"
"y/n get away from him!he's evil"
"shush ron give me your rat" he hands me the rat and i give it to sirius,i hand him my wand and he does a spell then hands me it back just as hermione and harry come in,peter pettigrew is standing in front of us along with professor lupin,i don't know when he randomly appeared
"y/n my sweet girl" peter grabs a hold of my shoulders
"get away from her!"sirius says "yeah get away you pedo!"i also say
"harry come here"i say,i explain to him what is happening and how sirius didn't betray his parents it was peter,he's been ron's rat for years,all of a sudden snape bursts through the door and shouts a spell pushing sirius into a wall,harry shouts a spell at snaps,knocking him unconscious,me and hermione grab ahold of ron and walk him outside while he's limping
"you guys should go speak to him" ron says
"no it's okay we'll stay" harry says and i nod
"il stay you guys go" hermione says
me and harry stand up and walk over to sirius
"ah y/n and harry,the only thing that got me through azkaban was the thought of seeing you two" i smile at sirius
"you know once the dementors are off my back,you guys can come stay with me"
"most definitely" harry says and walks away i stay standing
"have you spoken to my mother yet?"
"yes,infact i have,she's letting me hide in your manor for a while,till i can escape fully,she was very surprised to see me but,in a good way"
i smile and hug him,when i turn lupins turning into a werewolf,sirius run towards him trying to calm him down,then there's a howl in the woods and lupin runs towards it.we start running into the woods when dementors chase us,they start sucking sirius's soul,i feel like i'm dying,i sit on my knees next to him begging him not to die,there's a beam of light that comes shooting towards us and clears away the dementors.i wake up in the hospital wing to hermione waking me and harry up
"get up!there taking sirius back to azkaban"
i jump up "are they going to kill him? i ask
"worse their gonna take his soul" i look at her in shock and dumbledore walks in
"sir they have the wrong person sirius black is innocent!" i declare
"i'm afraid the ministry wont listen to young children,a mysterious thing time,powerful but when meddled with,dangerous,if you succeed tonight,more than one innocent life shall be saved" dumbledore states
"good luck" he says whilst closing the door
i smirk at hermione knowing what dumbledore is on about.

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