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"get out!" i shout
"y/n calm down i'm not doing anything,i've came to tell you what i was the other day"
"hurry up then, i'm not in the mood for your shit"
"i overheard my father talking to your father about this thing called the chamber of secrets,Salazar Slytherin created it to get rid of mud bloods,they say theirs a big monstrous beast in there"
"and why is this important?"
"i want you to open it"
"i want to see this big monster"
"all you have to do is look in the mirror and their will be one right in front of you"
"haha very funny"
"it was now please leave"
Artemis comes back with the letter from harry i take it and opened it

dear y/n
he said to warn you too,he said it's too dangerous for him to come to your manor as the malfoys are their,he says we mustn't return to Hogwarts.

i look a the letter with wide eyes and continue reading

dobby says he's coming back but i would like to think it's not you-know-who
anyways i'm still going back to Hogwarts it's only a few days now
lots of love

i look at the piece of paper once again and look up and realise malfoy is still in here,i roll my eyes at him
"why did u look so shocked reading that?"
"why were you watching me read it?"
"why did you act like i wasn't here?"
"why are you still here?"
he stands up smirks at you and leaves
this year you knew you were gonna make malfoys year a living hell,maybe it will teach him to stop talking.

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