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it's been a couple of weeks and Colin creevey has been petrified,professor Lockhart has set up a class to teach us how to defend ourselves.i am standing in the crowd and Lockhart says "can we get two volunteers?oh how about y/n and harry?" "harry is injured he will be sent to the hospital wing from one spell,may i suggest someone else from my own house,perhaps Malfoy?" snape says.

i smirk as he stands up on the long podium "your aim is to only disarm" Lockhart says i walk forward and Malfoy says "scared y/n?" "scared of you?that's pathetic!" i walk back to where i was and get ready to actually beat malfoys arse"wand at the ready"

Malfoy shouts a spell i dodge it and shout"rictasempra" and he goes flying back,everyone starts laughing,snape drags Malfoy up by the collar and pushes him forward "serpentsortia" Malfoy shouts,a green snake lands in front of me,i close my eyes for a second and open them again then start talking to it " go scare that boy with the bleach blonde hair,your a cute little thing but i can't keep you" the snake nods before sliding it way back to Malfoy before it can do anything snape has to ruin it and shouts "impera-evanesca" and it makes the snap burn away, i snap out of it and see Malfoy giving me a shocked but confusing look.

i go back to the dorms with pansy,daphne and Astoria "y/n i didn't know you could speak parseltongue" Astoria says "what no i didn't,i told the snake to go scare Malfoy and that i wish i could keep it" "no you didn't you started speaking snake language" daphne says " i spoke another language?" "oh my- how did i not know i was speaking another language?" "well you looked kinda in a trance,you close your eyes for a split second took a deep breath and it was almost is if your eyes went dark and hollow" "what the fuck!" i shout.

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