the pictures

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"y/n,what just happened" i hear Draco say,he looks different,more mature,more hot.
"i-i don't know,where's Astoria and daphne?" i say still confused by what's just happened
"they were heading to the kitchen as i was arriving,how long has this been going on y/n?" he says as walking over and sitting next to me on my bed.
"i've had these nightmares, the first one was me killing someone,wasn't that bad"i take a deep breath then start again "the second one was of me setting the room on fire,with just my hands and the one i just had was of me running down a long hallway and a big beam of light shoots out a door,they started last summer" i say,he looks at me confused and i give him the same look back "y/n there's a reason your having these dreams and why everyone knows who you are it's because-" Astoria and daphne walk in and look at us "what's going on"Astoria asks, i pause and think if i should tell them before i can think say anything Draco says "i was asking her for the pictures she promised me,of the basilisk" i smile at him and walk over to my desk and grab the pictures ,i walk out my door and hand him the pictures "i will speak to you tomorrow y/n" he whispers walking away from me".

we all go back to sleep after the incident and i wake up to a letter from harry

dear y/n
how is your summer going ?
have you heard about Sirius black?
reply as soon as you can
lots of love

dear harry
my summer is going great but i have been having these nightmares and last night i woke up and my room was on fire.
no i haven't heard what's happened with him,what's happened?
lots of love

Astoria and daphne are gathering their stuff to leave and their parents arrive so i walk them down to the door
"bye y/n,see you back at school!" daphne says

i close the door behind me and lean my head against the wall,i turn around and walk up the stairs to head into the library.
i try looking for a book to explain what's happening to me,why i'm having nightmares?why my room set on fire? then i hear footsteps behind me "Malfoy?" i spin around
"y/n about what i was trying to explain earlier,just forget it i was only trying to annoy you"
i didn't believe him,they way he said it made it sound serious and the look on his face while telling me,it just didn't add up
"Malfoy don't lie to me"
"i'm not"
"you literally are,how fucking stupid do you think i am?"
"very in-fact ,your that much of an idiot you somehow manage to set your room on fire!"
i freeze thinking about what he just said before my arm swings back and i punch him in the face,i turn and walk away taking deep breaths to control myself.
"your a bitch y/n!!"
"oh trust me,i know"

maybe this year will be different,maybe i will do what i want and not what other people want,it's time i start thinking of myself and not others.

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