diagon alley

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my mother decides today is the best day to go to diagon alley,we have to go with the malfoys so i'm stuck with malfoy again.
my mother apparates us and we end up in front of gringotts,narcissa and Lucius say they have a couple of things to do and ask my mother and father to take draco with us to get his stuff
of course they agree and we head toward flourish and blotts to get books.

as we are walking i push malfoy and he goes flying and face plants on the floor,i burst out laughing at him and he just looks at me and gets up.we arrived at flourish and blotts and i see ron,fred,george,his little sister,ginny,harry and hermione.Draco goes upstairs because he's a freak show while i walk towards harry and tap his shoulder.he turns around and hugs me as well as hermione and Ron.

i walk up to ginny weasley and say "hi ginny i'm- " "y/n thornefield it's such a pleasure to meet you" "you too" i walk towards gilderoy lockhart as he starts talking about his books when he spots me and says "no way,y/n thornefield and harry potter!"
the camera man grabs me and harry and pushes him towards gilderoy "smile miss thornefield and mr potter,we will be front page of the daily prophet",i smile but harry doesn't.

i walk away and go to my mother and father who has all my books malfoy comes down the stairs and i notice harry is standing next to me "bet you loved that potter,famous harry potter can't even go into a book shop without making the front page" "draco your just jealous because no one likes you and your a dick,if i was gilderoy i wouldn't want you anywhere near me either because your nothing,unlike me and harry at least something to our name more than just money" i say

"y/n that's enough,come on draco have you got all your books?" my mother asks "yes andrea" he smiles shooting harry a dirty look, i shove him out the door making books fall on him, i say goodbye to them all and il see them soon and walk with my mother to gather the rest of my things.

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