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after i send harry's letter off with my owl,Artemis i go into my bathroom and quickly shower,change into my pyjamas,brush my teeth and head to bed thinking about making another cake with mother,it really is so much fun.

i have a nightmare.i'm in a long field running a girl with black hair is chasing me and shooting spells at me,i dodge them all and turn around and shout "Avada Kedavra!" and she drops dead.
i wake up sweating and panting and look around and realise it was just a dream,i lie back down on my bed and check the clock hanging up on the wall in front of me it was 2:56am.
i start to think about if i would actually be able to kill someone and what it would do to me,right now i don't think i'm ready for it but eventually i know i will be but nobody's ever really ready for anything.

i wake up at 10am,get up and brush my teeth and hair,i walk downstairs and see all of malfoys friends sat in my living room,i groan and walk into the kitchen where i greet my mother
"hi mum"
"hi y/n,did you have a good time with your friends yesterday?"
"yeah it was so fun,anyways what is there to eat?"
"i was just about to make pancakes for Draco and his friends if you wouldn't mind helping,of course you can have some if you like"
"okay of course i will help"
me and mum have the funnest time making pancakes we get covered in batter and everything i walk over to the boys with the pancakes while mother brings syrup fork and knifes etc.

i head back upstairs and shower and get changed and i notice i have a letter from harry

Dear y/n
my summer was okay i guess,the Dursley's are horrendous also this house elf appeared out of the blue his names dobby,
i don't know what family he belongs to as he refuses to tell me but he's came with a warning telling me to not go back to Hogwarts but i am of course coming back
lots of love

"no fucking way,really?!"

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