house elf

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i immediately start giggling,realising dobby actually managed to escape from them,the malfoys don't have good history with house elf' house elf is called feenky she is a sweet soul and i would never shout at her,she of course makes sure everything is neat and tidy and she always comforts me when i'm upset or does something with me when i'm bored,when i return back from Hogwarts i always bring her a big massive bag of sweets.

i write back to harry

dear harry
the house elf is the malfoys,i wonder why he's sending a warning,what did he say as a warning?
lots of love

i go to find feenky while i wait on harry replying to my letter i find her and we play hide and seek i'm hiding she's counting.
i make sure to get into a really small space in the library,as i'm hiding in there i hear a voice
"shhhh malfoy, i'm playing hide and seek"
"with who,yourself?"
"no feenky actually,she's very fun and-actually why am i explaining myself to you"
"y/n your such a bitch"
"malfoy your a fat fuck,now if you'd excuse me i have to hide"
i turn around and see feenky,"thanks a lot malfoy,you ruined the game"
i walk away and feenky follows, we go into the kitchen and i grab sweets for her to eat and thank her for curing my boredom.

as i'm walking up to my room i start to realise really how much i hate malfoy,he's a pathetic excuse for a boy and i could actually kill him.
i enter my room and turn around to shut the door, i turn to my left and punch the wall out of anger creating a big hole i whisper "repairo" and the wall is fixed i close my eyes take a deep breath look up to my bed and there he is,Draco Malfoy.

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