home 2

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i arrive home and give my mother the picture of the snake,she looks at me shocked, my father snatches the pictures and also looks at me shocked.
"y/n you did this?to a snake that big?" my father asks
"yes,why did you think i couldn't?"
"no,i just didn't expect you to"
"y/n i was so worried when i received your letter about you speaking parseltongue"
"it's okay i'm fine now,i'm literally so famous now so it's okay"
"wait what actually happened?" my mother asks . i explain the full story of what happens in the chamber of secrets,how i figured it out and what happened.
"so you killed a snake,that can fit around our full house?!"
"yeah wasn't too hard to be fair ,i'm going to unpack"
"oh and y/n the malfoys are coming here again but not till half way through summer and also we're throwing a joint Christmas party with them this Christmas,just thought i'd let you know ahead of time i know you like to be organised"
i walk up stairs to my room and drop my luggage and just lie on my bed,when will i give Malfoy these pictures?should i apologise for being a ass? nah i don't think so he well deserves it,i start to unpack.
i take a shower,brush my hair,brush my teeth then change into pyjamas and go to sleep
i have another nightmare where my room is on fire and it's caused by my hands,i open my eyes and realise it's just a dream and drift off slowly again.

i wake up and walk downstairs to find my mum,i spot her in the kitchen.
"yes dear?"
"do you think i can invite a friend or two to stay over soon?"
"yes of course dear,let me know when they will be staying"
i jump around excitedly and hug my mum
"thank you!"
i run upstairs and start writing to Astoria,pansy and daphne

dear Astoria,pansy and daphne
i asked my mother if you guys could stay at my manor soon and she said yes!
Let me know when you guys would like to stay
lots of love
y/n x

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