figured out

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i sit myself in my dorm thinking about how i was a parseltongue and i didn't know it,everyone must've thought i was crazy,i must send a letter to my mother with an explanation.

dear mother
today we had this defence class/group,i was up against Draco and he used a spell and a snake came towards me, apparently i closed my eyes took a deep breath and when i opened my eyes again they were dark and hollow,apparently i started speaking parseltongue,snake language to the snake.
i told it to scare Malfoy and that i wish i could keep it but i didn't know i was speaking a different language.
i'm confused mother.
i love and miss you
lots of love
y/n x

Hermione has now been petrified also harry found a note on Hermione, but doesn't know what it means it says something about following the spiders but Ron's too pussy to do it so we are going tonight.

later on
it's time to get harry and we follow the spiders harry explains to me he found a diary
of a boy called tom riddle and he saw a vision of Hagrid with a spider called aragog also apparently Hagrid is in trouble now to.we reach the spot and a big fat ugly spider appears.harry and the spider talk and it explains that it wasn't the monster that killed that girl it was something else then all these spiders start attacking us "fuck off you ugly cunts" Ron's car shows up and i drive away in it,hitting as many spiders as i can.

i sit in my dorm before dinner and process everything and it hits me the monster is a basilisk and the reason no one is dead is because they didn't look it directly in the eye. Mrs Norris saw it in the reflection of the water,Colin saw it through his camera and Hermione saw it through the mirror,the girl that died was moaning myrtle and the voice i was hearing was the basilisk.

i jump off my bed and see Malfoy "your getting what you want i'm going into it" "what!" "that's right,don't worry il take a picture for you" i hit draco in the stomach so he folds over then walkout grabbing Colin creeveys camera that still works and look for harry.he's standing with Ron while all the teachers are looking at the wall "what's happening" "the heir has took my sister!" Ron shouts "Ron go back to the common room,harry come with me". you explain to him everything and you guys head to the girls toilets "myrtle we know who killed you and we're gonna get him back don't worry" i smile "y/n i knew you would be the one to figure it out,if you just asked me it could have been a lot quicker" " i know" i smile.

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