the stars

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it's only a few days til Christmas break,today i have DADA then tomorrow i go to hogsmeade,i can't stop thinking about all the sweets i'm going to get for me and feenky,maybe a few new books to read over the break and presents of course,i wake up to 2 letter from narcissa.

dear y/n
i'm so glad you were there to save him my,sweet girl
i'm glad you two are at least talking now.
has Dumbledore done anything about the dementors?
i've left Draco's letter with you if you wouldn't mind giving it to him
lots of love
narcissa x

i grab Draco's letter and go to the common room to find him,i scan the room and find him.i walk down the stairs and walk up to him
"your mother asked me to give you this also can you mention in the letter that yes Dumbledore has done something about it"
"yeah sure,thanks"
"don't think just because i stopped you from dropping dead on the ground that we're on good terms now,i still hate your guts"
"it goes both ways y/n,your a cunt"
i smirk at him and walk away and Malfoy starts walking with me
"what class do you have?" he asks
"defence against the dark arts,your literally in the same class,merlin how fucking stupid can you be?" i speed up my walk and see Cedric,he walks up to me
"hi y/n do you want to hang out tonight?" i know that Malfoy is getting annoyed by this because the look on his face,he's gritting his teeth,rolling his eyes and biting his cheek.
"yeah Cedric,where will i meet you?"
"meet me in the transfiguration courtyard at 8pm"
"okay" i reply and smile before i start walking again
"did you not hear what i said the last time y/n?your parents won't approve"Malfoy says
"i did actually" i say and stop walking and face him
"but their not gonna know because no one is going to tell,i won't tell my parents what you did in care for magical creatures and you won't tell about my secret boyfriend"
"oh so he's your boyfriend now?"
"no but you know what i mean,i promise i won't say anything unless you do" i say holding out my pinky
"okay fine" he wraps his pinky around mine and we start walking again and we arrive at the class
"intriguing isn't it?" i hear professor lupin say as a cupboard with a mirror is shaking and jumping around in front of the full class
"would anyone like to make a guess to what is inside?"
"that's a boggart,sir" i hear boy say
"and can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?"
"no one knows-" Hermione says, she really needs to stop with the time turner,i shit myself every time she appears in the class
"when did she get here?!" Ron asks
"boggarts are shapeshifters,they take the shape of whatever the particular person fears the most"Hermione replies completely ignoring Ron
"very good miss granger,now there is a very easy charm to repel these boggarts,now repeat after me, riddikulus" the whole class repeats the spell
"a little louder" the class does it again "riddikulus"
"this class is ridiculous" Malfoy says,a turn to my side and kick him in the shin and he weeps in pain holding his leg.
professor lupin explains that when you see the boggart you need to think of something funny and uses neville as an example,neville says professor snape is his biggest fear,wait til i tell snape he will find it so funny,professor lupin asks him to picture professor snape in his grandmothers clothes.out comes professor snape and neville shouts "riddikulus" and snape is in a woman's clothing,professor lupin tells everyone to line up to each take a turn.

some people boggarts change into,clowns,snakes,spiders and other things when it's my turn i step forward and try to think of my biggest fear but nothing comes out the cupboard
"y/n,do you have fears?" professor lupin asks
"no sir,not any i can think of"
suddenly the door bursts open and i see the same beam of light that was in one of your nightmares,Malfoy pulls you away while lupin stands in front and his boggart changes into a moon.
"class dismissed" lupin says
"was that the light you saw in that nightmare?" Malfoy asks,i nod and start walking towards professor snapes classroom
"where are you going?"
"to see snape,i have to talk to him"
you arrive at snapes classroom and he is there,no one else just him
"yes y/n?"
"i have some things to tell you" i pull a seat over to in front of him and start telling him about the nightmares and what happened in class,he just stares at me blankly
"oh and neville longbottom said you were his biggest fear and his boggart turned into you"i chuckle and so does he
"y/n,tell me more about this"
you start telling him more and realise the time 7:56,you jump up
"i'm sorry professor i have to go"
"it's okay y/n,i'm glad you came and told me"
i run out the classroom towards the courtyard and make it just in time
"hi y/n"
"hi cedric,where are we going?"
"come,il show you"
he grabs my hand and takes me to the lake,we lie on the floor and look at the stars
"don't you think stars are just beautiful,they always shine so bright and light up the night sky"i say smiling
"you and the stars must have a lot in common then" he sits up and towers over me,he kisses me,i pull him in more by the neck
"y/n will you be my girlfriend?"
"yes" i reply , we look up at the stars for longer before he walks me back to my dorm
"good night y/n"he says before kissing me
"goodnight Cedric"
i walk into my dorm and look at daphne
"i did my dare,guess who has a boyfriend!!" i scream excitedly

today we go to hogsmeade,harry,pansy,daphne and Astoria can't come as they have detention or another reason so i go with Hermione and Ron.we arrive at hogsmeade,once i grab all my stuff i notice footprints going into the forest "harry i know it's you" i say,he takes of his cloak
"you coming?" "fuck yes" i get under the cloak with him and start looking around.
the minister says something to professor mcgonagall about me and harry and sirius black.i look at him confused "let's go" i whisper.we head inside and walk into the room they are sat in "sirius black is the reason the potters are dead,he may not have layed a finger on them but he's the reason their dead!" i turn to harry and see tears in his eyes, i look back towards the conversation "oh and don't even get me started on y/n,that poor young girl-" i turn to harry confused when i man comes strolling in talking about minstery business so me and harry slip out the room and back to the forest "harry don't cry,come on cheer up,i will help you kill him but for now we can play a prank on Malfoy!" he grins and we walk over and find Malfoy annoying Hermione and Ron.i throw a snowball "who's there"Malfoy shouts,there's nothing but silence until i hit him in the face with a snowball and start dragging him around on the floor whilst harry pulls crabbes trousers down, i start playing with the dangly things on Hermiones hat and harry starts tugging Ron's jacket "y/n,harry!" she says giggling "hey,they deserved that" we all laugh and eventually go back to Hogwarts.

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