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a few weeks later.

dear y/n
pansy can't come as her parents are taking her to Italy
me and Astoria will most definitely be there
it's today or tomorrow okay?
lots of love
daphne x

i jump up and run to my desk grabbing a piece of parchment and a quill

dear daphne
yes today or tomorrow is fine
il let my mother know you guys will be arriving
see you soon
lots of love
y/n x

i send the letter off and run down stairs to tell mum when the girls will be arriving
"mother, Astoria and daphne are arriving today or tomorrow if that's okay?"
"yes of course dear,how come pansy isn't coming?"
"her parents are taking her to Italy"
"ah well that reminds me your father and we're thinking about taking you to Spain,the malfoys have a manor up there"
"will the malfoys be there?"
"yes dear" she replies,i don't even want to argue about it,i won't have to see or speak to him
"okay"i say while giving her a fake smile and going back up to my room and taking a shower

a couple of hours later Astoria and Daphne arrive "y/n!the girls are here!" my mum shouts
"coming!!" i jump off my bed and dart down the stairs and see them at the door.i hug them and ask feenky to take their luggage upstairs.we walk up the stairs and sit on the bed,it's already 6pm so i ask feenky to make us dinner.

after dinner we are all playing truth or dare on the bed "Astoria truth or dare?" i ask "truth" she replies "is it true you have taken a little fancy to Adrian pucey?" "perhaps" i smirk and laugh "okay my turn,daphne truth or dare" "truth" she replies "you guys are such pussys"i giggle "is it true you fancied draco malfoy in first year?" my mind goes blank,it feels like the full room just went dark and i'm stuck in my own head,i come back to the conversation "yeah but,it was first year he's totally barbaric now" that makes me grin,why did i care so much?
"y/n your turn truth or dare?" daphne asks "dare" i reply "i dare you to get a boyfriend this year" "what,that's ridiculous!" "you can't back out of a dare y/n,out of all people you should know that" Astoria says "okay alright fine".

i change into my pyjamas and start making space on the bed for Astoria and daphne,i drift off.i have another nightmare,i'm walking down a dark hallway that's got no light then all of a sudden a beam of light just bursts through the door and blinds me,i wake up and turn to see if Astoria and daphne are next to me, they aren't and i notice my room is on fire,i close my eyes and take a deep breathe and the fire disappears,i look up at my door to see none other than Draco Malfoy.

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