hogwarts express

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"Hi" i hear someone whisper,i flip my head around to see Harry potter,standing at the carriage doors with a ginger boy who i'm assuming is a Weasley. "do you mind if we sit here?it's just the other carriages are full except this one" "sit,harry potter i presume?",he walks over and sits in front of me "yes" ,i gave him a glare when thinking about what my mother says about him "he is a useless boy" i think to myself she won't know if i'm friends with him.i stop thinking ,pick my wand up and and put it to his glasses "oculus repairo" then move my wand up to his forehead and move the hair to reveal a scar, "your scar is almost as legend as the wizard who gave you it"i chuckle,i turn to the boy next to harry and say "and what might your name be?" "Ronald Weasley but i get called Ron" i grin and almost giggle when a girl appears at the door for the trolley,me and harry buy all the sweets from the trolley.

as i start eating my chocolate frog a girl walk in and says "have any of you seen a frog, a boy called neville has lost it"  "no" i say "your y/n Thornefield!I'm Hermione granger and oh my gosh it's Harry Potter!" i start chuckling at her excited reaction but wonder how she knows me "and who are you?" she says looking at Ron,he groans and replies "Ron Weasley" " um okay,well i should be going,we shall be arriving shortly" she then leaves and closes the door.

I change into my robes in the bathroom and go back to the carriage i was sat in before,the train stops and as we are leaving i ask harry and Ron "why didn't you ask for my name when i asked you guys?" "oh y/n,everyone knows who you are" harry says back,it's weird because i'm known but not famous . How does he know who i am?

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