the first challenge

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i look at harry confused and he gives me the same look back "y/n thornefield and harry potter!" i shrug at harry then stand up walking up to the rest of the champions,loads of students are shouting about how unfair it is,i look them all and roll my eyes then sit next to harry,i quickly glance at the tables,i see the worried looks on all my friends and then i spot dracos face,he looks extremely concerned.

"did you put your name in?" harry asks me "no way,did you?" he stares in my eyes "no" "this is so strange,who would put our names in?" "i don't know,we'll find out though" i nod and we get put into the trophy room,i walk in and hear everyone arguing,i roll my eyes shaking my head,Cedric comes up to me. "did you put your name in?" "no why would i do that?" "i don't know,thought it would be better to ask than assume" he kisses me cheek and giggle,i then walk up to fleur and congratulate her then dumbledore comes in raging.

"did you two put your names in the goblet of fire?" he's basically in harry's face,he's grabbing his arms,i walk up to them both and pry Dumbledores hands of harry "no we didn't,we knew the rules,we didn't put our names in!" i shout.dumbledore just looks at us both looking more visibly calm "are yous absolute sure" we both nod.

all the teachers start arguing about whether we are lying or not so i start getting angry and shout "how many times do we have to fucking say it!we didn't put our names in!!if i'd known any better it was probably one of use!!!" i hear them all scoff and whisper never and did not "i don't care!stop accusing me and harry of it!now do we have to take part or not?" we all turn to barty crouch "the rules are absolute,as of tonight harry and y/n are triwizard champions"
"no fucking way!" i shout,i grab harry and storm out.

i drag harry down the hall "there's no fucking way they can make us take part in that,it's such bullshit!" "i know y/n,i know just calm down" i take a deep breath and calm down.i tell harry i'm just gonna go to my common room,as i'm walking down the hall i hear whispering but choose not to rile myself up,i walk into the common room and lie on the couch,i grab a lamp and chuck it into fire as it's the only thing i can do to get my anger out. "what's up with you?"i spin round and see draco.

"me and harry are being forced into that stupid death tournament,no i didn't put my name in and i swear if i hear anyone say that i will kill them" "calm down,it's all fine" he says,i shake my head and walk away back up to my dorm.pansy,astoria and daphne all look at me as i walk in "did you do it?" pansy says breaking the silence "put my name in?no!i didn't and that stupid hag crouch is making us take part" "i wonder who put yours and harry's name in then" daphne says "well i can assure you guys,it was neither of us" they all nod believing me,i get changed into my pyjamas then write my mum a letter.

dear mum
i have been chosen to take part in the triwizard tournament even though im underage.
someone put mine and harry's name in.
if i hear someone say i done it i will kill them,anyways just thought that u would tell you
lots of love
y/n x

i fold my letter up and give it to my owl telling it where to go,i then crawl into bed and fall asleep slowly.

i wake up the next morning and get ready for the day,i walk with harry down to the great hall "yeah ron thinks we put our names in and isn't talking to me" i scoff "there's no way your best friend would say that" i start getting angrier as people whisper in the halls,we arrive in the great hall and everyone stops talking and stares at us,they whisper.i drag harry up to the podium next to me.

"so as i can see you all seem to just love me and harry so let me explain some things,number 1,we did not put our names in" i make a fake gasping noise "i know,such a shocker,number 2 i get that use are all jealous that your names didn't get put in,but i can see why since use clearly are two face bitches" i look at ron as i say this and wink "and number 3 if you don't keep mine and harry's name out of your mouths,i swear i will kill you all" i give a fake smile and grab harry walking off, we walk past draco who's girlfriend is looking at me death staring me,i walk past pansy,astoria and daphne who are all grinning at me proudly,i stop outside the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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